
this is basically my exact story. it’s a hellish, deep hole to dig out of

also, loans can be removed if you become disabled and unable to work for at least 3 years.

The “special needs” classes of the past were often just warehousing classes for the worst students and the worst teachers.

Roller cam brakes fit squarely in the looks cooler than it works category. Enjoy fidgeting with them endlessly :) 

“No, I am NOT a zombie - I’m a dead anti-vaxxer!”

Six hundred horsepower for a kid is reckless. 

Ever since gamergate I’ve been dodging the term “gamer”, it’s just too alt-right-loaded these days.

I’m ok with that.

I snagged Zombie Army 4 on PSPlus a couple months back and it is honestly one of the funnest games I’ve ever played. Besides just dripping in retro 80's synth horror style (the soundtrack, the aesthetics), it feels really, really good to just be like, “They’re Nazis, AND they’re zombies, so there is absolutely zero

Little known (totally made up) fact: For the zombie animations, they just used footage from the Jan 6 Insurrection. 

“I think your grandma’s a zombie”

Sigh... yes, everyone knows he did not get hacked. His comment saying as much was deliberately tongue in cheek. He wasnt even actually pretending as if he had actually been hacked. I dont know why people keep posting “well golly, i think he may not have actually been hacked,” as if there was any question about it

After attempting to murder her kid, the state should probably take the kid too...

AKA: Military shooter turns in to accurate reflection of it’s online community.

Except Hitchens wasn’t directly responsible for a lot of entirely preventable death and misery.

Me too! I grew up cocooned in the back seat of a 2nd-gen Corolla Deluxe Coupé (KE25) like the one below, and still have fond memories of it. It eventually got replaced by a more conventional 4th generation 4-door sedan (TE70) in which I eventually learned how to drive (last RWD Corolla for the win!). As a kid, I


Am I the only one bothered by the fact that the car is angled into traffic and the wheel is turned waiting for the opportunity to make the left turn?

These employees are so entitled, expecting an indie studio like CIG to have the ability to treat staff humanely and not go out of business. It’s not like it’s made of mon... oh...

Rocks and minerals and crystals are excellent ways to appreciate the glory of nature and the earth and geological processes and all that. But they do not have magical properties.