Angela S

She admitted in a Congressional Hearing to lying for the President.

I have a convertible. I agree. Sunroofs in normal vehicles are handy though.. Especially when the 4 year old in the back seat rips a fart that is outlawed by the Geneva Convention.

I secretly hope* that our Amazon will follow Netflix, the CA option sucking forever and then a sudden switch to where the CA version is superior to the US version.

Yeah but does it have fake shitty conservative friends who post pro-Trump stuff or dog whistle racist shit to make me irrationally angry?

What’s the purpose of sorting anyways? I thought the whole point of legos was that it combined ‘go fish’ with building shit?

I’m a Christian, and if they try to start a Muslim registry, I’ll register too. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that bigotry and hatred cannot and will not succeed as policies of the US government.

Another IT guy here. Same. We have monitoring tools in place, but not once have we ever actually needed or wanted to bother using them. If people think you’re not being productive, you should be more worried about management and HR, not IT. We couldn’t give a shit less what sites you’re browsing as long as your shitty

You know that we do in fact have this game in Canada.

You know that we do in fact have this game in Canada.

Typical liberal keyboard warrior rhetoric, what do this guy, batman theater guy, and every other shooter - hell - every other KILLER (lets just broaden this scope of conversation) - like nurse mom who dismembered her fucking son, have in common?
THEY ARE MENTALLY ILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No amount of background checking


You are 100% incorrect. I use gmail as my sole email for personal use and it spends 98% of it's time with inbox zero.