Wellll if she doesn’t want the celebrity, and others do, it seems like a win-win. Also, Maddie was already famous before she started working with SIA, so if anyone pimped her out, it was her mom and lovely dance teacher.
Exactly, it IS fucking brilliant! She found a loophole in a society where a 40 year old woman singing pop/dance songs is an outlandish idea. More power to her! I won’t speculate on her intentions, or whether she actually wants the fame or not, but I bet she’s made more money in the time she’s been wearing that wig…
IDK man, I didn’t think her schtick would last very long at first, especially considering there are pictures of her face out there... but here she is touring and still doing pretty well. I disagree that people don’t know anything about her. They know her story and that she doesn’t want the fame, and I think most…
Chipotle is Still Trying Delicious
My last hope is that she stabs him with a butter knife under the table.
Did anyone ask how big their feet were yet? No?...
That lavender... on her skin tone... is just perfection.
The questions were rhetorical.
I’m definitely being reductive and dismissive, I’ll own up to it. I’ll admit that I’m not an action movie fan to begin with, but it’s not as much the movies that I dislike, as his performances and the roles he chooses. They just seem to always be the same guy -troubled, antisocial, overconfident-because-he can, and…
I’ve read this headline numerous times and it still doesn’t make sense....
Someone stop Tom Cruise!! I refuse to watch any of his movies after like 2005... they’re all the same.
I’ve been avoiding Joy like the plague simply for the fact that I can’t take another Lawrence/Cooper/DeNiro movie (it worked ONCE let it go people!). Now I’ll probably spend my weekend watching every last second of footage I can find with Édgar in it.
Whooops replied to the wrong comment! Definitely checking out Domino though.
I absolutely will, thanks! I can’t believe he’s stayed off my radar for so long. I love Latin American movies, and I did see Che Pt. 1! Gotta step my game up.
My best friend from college who’s also an amazing actress has been shoving Emily Blunt down my throat for years (I think since she saw The Young Victoria, which I did not). I agreed she was cool but only because she’s married to Jim from The Office. I’m really excited to see her play someone who is a shit show.
It’s by the Vitamin String Quartet, they have a full album of Stones covers. It’s on Spotify and Amazon Music.
That was so unexpected and fantastic! The music in that whole episode was great. I’m hyped for the music direction of that show.
And facts! Don’t forget facts and logic.
I can listen to “Speechless” a gazillion times and literally never get sick of it. Gaga does glam rock so well. I hope the rest of this album follows suit instead of the pop-radio-ready trap that Perfect Illusion fell into.