But why can’t the boy like rap though? alright if you don’t like his covers, but he’s genuinely a fan and that’s why he chooses to cover them in the first place.
But why can’t the boy like rap though? alright if you don’t like his covers, but he’s genuinely a fan and that’s why he chooses to cover them in the first place.
“Men don’t want you to do your due diligence because the more penises you see, countries you visit or educated you get, the better decisions you make. The more I know what kind of sex I want, the more I can say to a man ‘You’re not good enough for me,’”
My love for ASkars defies logic (and gender). Keep doing you, you beautiful Scandinavian devil, you.
I support Katy in very few things, but this is one I fully back her up on. Tayor’s hypocrisy is blatant, there’s no denying it.
I wonder if he’s aware of how popular those pageants were in Mexico and Latin America in general. I mean, as a successful businessman, he MUST be aware of who his audience is, right? RIGHT?
Ahh! I was actually digging that song! Now that you’ve mentioned the Iggy sample, I’ll inevitably hate it.
You forgot "consensual," "consensual" is just great!
"Women need to be made aware of the "alternatives" to abortion, as though they don't know that the "alternative" to abortion is giving birth. LOL. " Seriously.
Taylor Swift is the hippest grandma ever. Ironically, Kris Jenner is the least hip.
Thank you Tracie for living inside my brain and providing me with information I never knew I needed.
Everything about this is perfect. Idk how many children would want to wear that (I certainly would), but I hope this means we'll be seeing a lot more of her. Go Giorgi!
I wish more people took Bruno's talent seriously. Because IT IS SO SERIOUS!
It's not like Brazil didn't have the infrastructure to host the games either. Literally E V E R Y city has a stadium or ten.
There is so much wrong with this world cup, and I'm glad people not only in Brazil, but in the rest of the world have become aware. Yet at the end of the day this Cup IS happening next month regardless of the inconveniences, MOST people in Brazil will be watching, and ALL will be rooting for [expecting] a win.
No bra, natural (ish) 'fro, kicking ass in a couture gown, not a single fuck to give. I like Solange more and more everyday.
Ya know.... you could've just said she was outdated without insulting an entire nation.
You can buy booze at Walgreens? WHERE? Because I would like to move to that state. That's all I got out of this article.