
I said he could guard 4. I don't agree with those that say he can guard 5. He can guard 5 if the 5 spot is a small man, but that would be too inefficient. But he can effectively guard the 4 other positions. LeBron shut down Derrick Rose. If you don't think Rose has more speed than Jordan, you're mistaken (please don't

It's really convenient to build up the players you want to build up, and put down the ones you don't. People have been underrating Bosh forever. If after the ECF and Finals you still don't see his worth, that's on you.

I hear you. But I still think Spain would easily hand those teams their asses. China isn't there yet, but their leagues and players have progressed, especially with Yao Ming playing stateside, and the amount of money the association has put in spreading basketball over there.

Because of injury. My scenario clearly assumes that both squads are playing healthy. I'm not crazy now. I don't think this current team could beat the 92 squad, but only because they don't have a center. They could probably still hang with them. But it'd be tough. But with just Bosh and Howard, things would be

You're right. Poor choice of word. But he would certainly mess him up more than any defender did in his era. The reason I say Griffin would go off is just on who would guard who. There's so much more talent on the court that they would put the worst guy on Griffin. Of course, with a healthy Bosh, I'm not sure if

Very well said.

I probably am a bit. But anyone older than 30 is underestimating the current team. You really think Robinson or Ewing could match up with Howard? I doubt it. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. Probably a close game, with one side taking it all. But when all is said and done, the best player from 2012 has

Well, football is a bit different in that strategy has changed quite a bit from the older days. But the only reason I mentioned Griffin was because of the Howard/Bosh dynamic. Bosh is too quick for any of the forwards they would put on him. Howard is just a monster that they would have no answer to. You put your best

In the debate for which all-star team was better, people always want to forget the state that world basketball was in in the early 90s, and what it is now. The fact is, the world didn't have the level of basketball that it currently does. What the NBA has done in the best 20 years, on top of what Jordan did

I'm sorry, but what do Marlon Brando lookalikes have to do with Joe Paterno?

Don't think it'd happen. Honestly, I'm shocked at how that entire school has reacted to everything that's happened. Miami fans leaving games that are over (either way) early, or showing up late to a game has absolutely nothing on fans defending to death somebody who tried to hide and secure a colleagues crimes (let

This article is pretty much how I feel about baseball at the moment. Baseball is just so up and down for me. I'll love it for a bit, then it'll get on my nerves for a while. If there ever was a must-have-grown-up-playing-or-watching-it sport, baseball is that sport.

I want to agree with everything you've said, but just remember Amazon will be updating the Fire. Of course, if it's just updated hardware with the same OS, then the 7 still wins. Otherwise, we might have some nice competition. I seriously don't get why anyone bought a first gen amazon tablet. But if Kindle's are

Right. And on top of that, you can still consume Amazon content from the 7. But you can't get Google Play content from the Fire. This tablet is years ahead of the Fire. The Nook Tablet was better than the Fire. I'm a big Amazon fanboy, but even I didn't get why people bought the first gen Fire. I'll wait and see for

That's the same face Gisele had on over the weekend.

-.— . .- .... —..— / . ...- . .-. -.— - .... .. -. —. .——. ... / ..-. .. -. . / —- ...- . .-. / .... . .-. . .-.-.-

You just jinxed it.

This bugs me to no end. I understand why a site like Gizmodo instantly bans or removes any comments that criticize, after that whole fiasco a few years back, but it's really annoying that you can't even so much as say something is bad, even when the writers clearly wrote it as flame bait. I think Lifehacker, Jalopnik

oh boy, that's a tough one. I wouldn't know of any, so I can't really recommend one. I've seen some mentioned before on DS, but I can't remember where it was. I'll try to do some searching tomorrow and get it to you if I can find it.

The best thing about soccer compared to American sports is time. You get in, watch 45 minutes, get a break, 45 more minutes, and you're done. Certainly keep watching tournaments at this level. The Olympics have historically not been as relevant as the WC and the Euro, but it's picked up some importance in the last few