
What's not to understand? Maybe I don't follow one show closely, so reading spoilers about it keeps me up to date and it allows me to know what's happening. And while I'm scrolling, I might not want to read about a really big spoiler about a movie I want to watch with virgin eyes (and mind).

Okay, question: can you guys start implementing dropdown arrows so that spoilers are hidden? That would be sweet. Not the traditional dropdown lists, but the selectable triangle selectors that let's you click to drop down as needed.

Netflix Doodles™. I like it.

OMG, I thought I was the only one. Jesus fucking christ, I love keyboard shortcuts more than anyone, but it has to be useful, and it can't be easy to accidentally hit it (hence most OS shortcuts requiring two key presses). Every single time I'm using the arrow keys, I end up hitting the left or right key. It fucking

Or people who die with motion balls in their pockets. I never understand when I kill a sniper, pick up their kit, and they still have all three motion balls on their persons. It's like, if you'd used them when you were alive, you wouldn't be dead right now.

I think you're missing the point. Remember the last level of Contracts where you have to blast your way out of the apartment? Or how about the last level of Blood Money where you have to blast your way out of the funeral home? This is just the scenario for the story. This isn't a random mission where cops got involved

I think Popeye the Sailor Man is the most realistic. Power from consumed super-foods or some consumable drug. We already have HGH and steroids. And we have all the supplements that you can take that will make you more alert and give you lots of energy.

Indeed. I love Uncharted, but the last time Fallon played Uncharted he embarrassed himself as a gamer. So I guess only Thursday is worth watching. Maybe I'll DVR if I remember.

I posted this earlier, and I'll repost it here so people can see it:

He said password, not lock pattern. You can use a lock pattern, pin number (with as many numbers as you'd like, or a password, with letters, numbers or a combination of both. If there's one thing not to knock, it's Android's choices for security (among other things).

3. A hero who has not been chosen by the people, no matter how good, can function exactly like a villain.

Do that right away.

Hey, this post by Brian is an opinion post. No need to bring facts into this. This game is gonna be so awesome. I'm gonna need a new PS3 too, but I'll wait a bit. When I do get one though, I'll have a huge backlog of games to play through.


Wow, really? You mean the same thing they've been doing for a long time? Next thing, you guys will complain about bonuses for those of us who are Battlefield Veteran (or whatever it's called). Suck it up guys. It's either you're buying the game on day or week one and you pre-order it, or you buy it a bit later, which


The funniest thing happened. I just booted up my computer from sleep, and I have f.lux installed. And when f.lux is just starting up, it flashes for a bit, at least in the evening on. Sure enough, the io9 front page was flashing, and it looked as if this image was a GIF. I was weirded out for a bit.

What browser are you running, and also what plugins do you have installed.?

Actually, the shiver is usually post pee. Or towards the end/shake-off part of the process.