
Six months in the cellphone world is like a decade in other industries. By the end of the year, look for the Nexus 3 to come out. It will probably be a dual or quad core phone that will save world hunger (ok, maybe not the last part), and if the previous Nexus phones are anything to go by, it'll be easy to root.

Lifehacker, it's like you saw I was having problems and you answered the call.

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo bufallo.

Holy shit, good catch. I thought that was Tigger.

Haha, that's the first thing I noticed. And you can see some skin too. I would probably watch local news if it had the ladies in some tight t-shirts showing their belies.

Good points. I just know that the small amounts that I have seen haven't impressed. Again, I will admit that I'm not familiar with Green Lantern's story very well.

Ah I see. I never have multiple windows open and want to close them all. I do use the classic though.

I don't even care about the CGI (although it does look bad). Ryan Reynolds just looks bad in it, it seems cheesy, it seems campy. It seems all the wrong things. Now it may be part of the story (I guess that answers your question), but it still doesn't look good whatsoever. Especially with Reynolds playing the role.

If this movie is successful, we have a lot to be worried about. I sure as hell don't hope this is the summer blockbuster. Yeesh.

Favorite KB shortcuts!

It's always amazing to hear that people don't know about your favorite keyboard shortcuts. You figure they're so awesome that everyone would know about them. That's why I love Google; they have KB shortcuts for all their programs. When I'm trying out a new program, I want to know all the shortcuts so that I can use

Well, if you're not gonna play it can I have it? Please?

It was a typo. It should read newt.

You had me at new.

Hulu is only available in America.

The game could suck, you know.

If you like MP games, I'd say dive into TF2 first since that and Portal hold up the best. HL2 is awesome itself, and they Ep. 2 might be the best as of today. HL2 might show it's age a little, especially with the driving segments, but it's still stellar. Also, once you're done with those, I'll gladly welcome you to

Note, I linked to the picture where they put the clothes right over the shoes.