
This and the swimming pool and a couple others are the only good ones, because clearly people are fucking idiots and they can't think about something as simple as how clothes that were momentarily abandoned in mid-air would fall down.

Now playing

Tosh's show might not be the best, but his stand up is fantastic.

That's not Ezio, that's Agent 47.

You mean the $300 PCs that have lasted four years up til now without a need for upgrade? The same machines that can still play relevant games years after release? Oh yeah, consoles sure are fucking it up for everyone.

I read that title as "Wallpaper". Here I was thinking to myself, "why the fuck do I want better understanding of my wallpaper?"

I'm still torn. The trailers have piqued my interest for the exact reason of this article. But there's no Keira Knightley. Maybe I'll see it, but not opening weekend.

Unfortunately for me, they still won't let me heart myself. =(

Dude, if I could heart you, I'd do so in a heartbeat. No pun intended.

The greatest fictional assassin of all time is missing from this list.

Holy shit, hearts are back. Nice

I was thinking more like Prison Break: Sci-Fi

Dysfunctional? I see no dysfunction in that family. Also, aren't we supposed to be one race of cafe au lait in the future? Why are there still white people?

"This past week has been a bad one for television. Hopefully there are better years head for the platform as the Internet slowly takes over.

I was really hoping that Fat Princess would be offered so that the community could get a boost.

Minus the Madden since the N64 days, I know exactly what you're saying. Heck, it's true for gaming in general.

R is Rockman


"My name is Fisher. Sam Fisher."

When did it become cool to misspell grapefruit in French? Also, when did it become cool for hipsters to sell out to the corporations? Or am I mistaking hipsters for hippies? Or is Hyundai the new, cool car company, so it doesn't count? So many questions, who will answer them all?

Oh listen, I'm a fairly smart guy, I understand why they do it perfectly well. I "understand" (sort of) why we drill for oil in the Gulf Coast (I hated it before the spill last year), I still don't think it's right. I understand just fine the economics of it. I'm just pointing out how it's wrong. Clearly you need to