
Came here to say this. I have a feeling there's a blog somewhere in the Interworld with some guy laughing his ass off that he tricked a woman into thinking he was drunk thrice in a row.

For the love of all things holy, can an editor on here force themselves to buy the most popular mobile OS out there and give us some games to play? Heck, I understand Android has less games than Apple, so I'd even be happy with one fucking game a week. But this lacking feature is weak sauce. With phones like the

Little orphans are taken to the Earth's crust and they work nonstop spinning a series of gears that power a bunch gizmos to move a quadrant of gadgets that in turn form widgets to move certain metals in a certain way that make them attracted to each other. Or, you know, poles work too. But that's just for science

"The Avengers will be like Ocean's Eleven with the superhero all-stars!"

Do you also buy a new car and mod it beyond recognition and expect the manufacturer to continue to honor the warranty? What does that even mean, own my device? It's the same people in your group of thinking who go ahead and break games. Games that people want to play, but can't because fuck nuts decide they want to

I want to thumb this up a million times. The idiots that comment on that blog are nowhere near positive or neutral or anything closely related to those two words. It's a gadget blog for fuck's sake.

Madame is a woman of marital status. Mademoiselle is a single woman. FYI.

Charlie, you're married? Or does Craig not know any French? Which is it, cause lives hang in the balance waiting for this answer!

You mean you wish that this was the Final Destination?

Are you really apologizing for putting up a back shot of someone on the Internet? What is this, Jezebel?

I'm creating a new word for this game. It's a combination of orgy and orgasm.

Dude, I used to rock with grenades back in the day. I rarely died without taking someone out with me if I had a 'nade on me. Plus I was a magnet for the launcher or RPG-7. We could be like those two Army of Two douches, taking everybody out!

It's talked about in the first lesson. Go back to the first video and check it out. Although I will point out that the one he is using costs $60, so if you don't want to pay, don't even bother. Although he does mention some alternatives for those of us not willing to pay.

MK vs. Valve? I'd buy three copies!

But but but but but.....he made it for you Shel! HE MADE IT FOR YOU, YOU WHORE!

Watch it in HD on Youtube.

Yeah, me too. It's either gotta be off or all black. I don't get what this guy or gal is talking about.

Yes, it is also sort of like that on other systems, but it's pretty much pushed on Macs. $4 for something that pauses your music for 5 minutes? If you look at movements like XDA Devs, Greasemonkey, or any other browser add-on, they're all free. The devs worked on a project that they felt they could make to help

That's what I'm saying. It is. The term PC has come to mean Windows ever since the "I'm a Mac" ads.

And that's the problem I see with Apple's way of doing things. They want to make everything at a price. These are all things that we've always had for free on the PC (*note: I use PC as personal computer, not to mean Windows like some idiots do). If an application warrants a price, be my guest, but nothing that you