
I’m sure there are some deeper psychological reasons behind it, but I just can’t make myself attracted to conventionally beautiful people. I can look at them and acknowledge that they are pleasant looking but it ends there. They're just kind of a snooze fest.

Only the fat ones. :/

I majored in comm arts and minored in sociology. Good luck, kiddos!

I concur. Joanna Coles (PR All Stars), for example, could come off as a bit chilly but she ultimately seemed invested in giving contestants constructive criticism. Now, no one can hold a candle to Tim Gunn but I think Joanna was a good mentor.

Ugh, yes. This is some straight up Inside Edition shit.

In the medical field you probably become desensitized quickly and aren’t always associating an ailment or procedure with an actual person who has dignity...even though that precisely what you should be doing (patients = human beings =\= fodder).

This initially made me laugh out loud but then I almost started crying because it is not out of the realm of possibility in a land led by Trump.

I hate the complete aversion to humility that we are taught to have as Americans. Yes, it’s going to be hard to get a job or client if you outwardly write that you suck, but why do we glorify the polar opposite? It’s not just cockiness though, it’s that people are utterly delusional when relaying their

I imagine Putin to be doing some Mr. Burns-esque steepling every time Trump says something repugnant. So, yeah, far too often.

And a noogie for good measure!

Oh, definitely! — Also the healthy people want to feel in control during a time of chaos. And while I can understand their fear, I could never minimize a sick person’s fear or just doesn’t compute. Talk about kicking someone when they're down.

I think sincerity is the critical component. I totally understand that you might make the same mistake (such as flipping out) more than once, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t truly sorry when it happens. Don’t have too much pride to apologize, as long as you mean it. When I’m around the friend I was referring to, it’s

Oh don’t worry— I definitely understand what you were saying! ^_^

One of the things I love about the comments on Jezebel are all the anecdotes. But it’s one thing to share a personal story and say “this is my experience” (or what have you) and it’s another to say that all experiences are or will be just like yours, ya know? Sure, there are some conditions in which certain behaviors

I don’t even think it’s as offensive as it is just plain ignorant. The mind is an incredible, wonderful, and often times disturbing thing. To make mental illness out to be a black and white subject is pretty ridiculous.

I’m not offended in the least, but that doesn’t mean that I agree with your statement. People who are bipolar and/or have BPD can be very, very difficult to maintain a relationship/friendship with and sometimes it can be impossible to sustain, depending on the person you’re dealing with.

However, to say that the

My favorite is “cuntasaurus rex,” but I’m definitely saving the “namaste” for a rainy day.

Yup! I have an acquaintance who has BPD and this is very much like her. One of my other acquaintances incurred her wrath one day (over something quite minimal) and she proceeded to lose her shit and verbally attack everyone. I am very non-confrontational so I just sat there stunned. Then she told me I was a pathetic

What is with people freaking out when they don’t get a response to a text/message/call if it’s not an emergency? I find it strange how many adults have reached back out after texting me because I haven’t responded. People get distracted, they are busy, they have lives, and sometimes technology even drops the ball.