
Hilarious and hypnotic.

The only difference between him and a Craigslist predator is that he has a legion of fans (god only knows how) and presumably a fancy studio/loft. If he was some random creep who exhibited the same behavior (and questionable “talent”), sans financial resources and clout, he would be tarred and feathered. Celebrities

I get what you’re saying and I agree on one hand, but on the other I think it’s important to keep calling out celebrities for working with this cretin. By reporting on him people can’t feign ignorance and pretend they don’t know what he’s been accused of.

I see Jesus with a crown of thorns (?) :/

I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with nudity or posing nude for a magazine. However, I think it’s legitimately sad that it’s the only way that many young women feel they can “make it” in the entertainment industry. Of course these people have a choice. Rita doesn’t have to be an entertainer but the

If you ever read the Daily Mail (please don’t take this as a recommendation though) you’d be force fed Rita Ora. Her PR team must never sleep.

Also, what does WebMD say about your vagina turning into a flower?


If someone could develop a flowchart to assist then that would be splendid. My brain started seizing up as soon as the acronyms were introduced.

Aw shucks! I live for this stuff. Haha. I learned a lot after dealing with chronic yeast and bacterial infections for a couple of years. Boric acid worked well for me but it made my business too raw (overshare) so I had to stop but it gave me hope when I thought nothing else would work.

Oh yeah, if you are prescribed antibiotics, load up on probiotics. Femdophilus comes highly recommended (can be a little $ and needs to be refrigerated) and eating plain, no added sugar, yogurt is good for you too. Antibiotics (even those not for your vaginal tract) can wreak havoc on your gut and nether parts so it’s

Not sure if anyone else mentioned this but antibiotics will only help if it’s a bacterial infection. If it’s yeast you’ll need an antifungal. Likewise, don’t use an OTC like Monistat if it’s bacterial. Many women sadly don’t have easy access to a gynecologist and take Monistat because their symptoms seem like yeast

One note about boric acid suppositories— for the love of God, wear a pad (of some sort) if you insert it in the morning. My doctor never told me that and good ol’ gravity and walking will make you feel like you’ve just wet your pants >.<

Fluconazole doesn't work for many women because there are strains of yeast that are resistant to it. There are many women with antifungal resistant yeast though who have responded well to boric acid suppositories. While you can technically purchase them online I would advise getting an OBGYN to write an RX to be

I like your type of depravity.

Please ignore the typos >.< *illusion, not “allusion" is merely one.

Oh thank god! I felt like I had loose marbles flying up and down my brain while I was reading. I was assuming that I was tech/music-ignorant but will now take your lead and plead old.

Ha, my ex used to work on that show. It actually wasn’t as salacious as I would have imaged.

He did mention though that there was some creepy sexual tension between the older kids and younger ones though. Yeesh :/

“Especially since the horrors of reality TV weren’t really known back then.”

It’s like blood in the water. The execs and producers swarm and seize on the families’ desperation. I can only imagine that the producers are so jaded and/or money hungry that it’s as if they have empathy blinders on. They (financially) can’t afford to care.