
I should also note that I was fortunate enough to have two American Girl Dolls — Addy and Kirsten. I wondered if I was subconsciously racist because I didn’t play as much with the former. It really, really bothered me so much so that I had nightmares about Addy and had to place a paper doll of her likeness in my dream

Oh lawwwd. I’ve had 4 glasses (not cups) of coffee today. Either that wasn’t enough or perhaps it was too much (perish the thought). You got me either way! ;D


I ordered delivery last year after one of the big storms that hit RI and MA but the roads, while not down to slush or pavement, were drivable (I was sans vehicle). I apologized prefusely to the delivery guy for my selfishness but he was totally cool and had a laugh. He said that he was glad to be making money and with

I have this irrational (?) loathing of bands with simple noun names. That was cool back in the day (ex. The Nerves, The Zombies, Pixies) but every time I read/hear about new bands with similar names it just makes me think they’re cocky. Like they think their music is so unique and remarkable that they can have the

I didn't think they were inherently creepy. However, I was terrified of being disrespectful towards my stuffed animals. If I was too rough with one I thought they'd all stage a coup and kill me. I was a very scared, paranoid little kid :/

Thanks, Jenny! <3

You’re right on! But I’m worried because Hollywood finds it hard enough to cast people of color in roles even when the character is described as being non-white. I mean, Jesus, if you have a Japanese character (for example) then hire an actor who is Japanese! And, no, big time producers, slapping some makeup on a

Succinct. Beautiful. A tour de force!

These words perfectly capture how I feel about your comment. <3

I would only try this out with Oprah, Stedman, and Gayle. No exceptions.

Please don’t think you’re lame. I get like that when I read things like this sometimes but then I have to remind myself that this just ain’t for me. My ex always wanted to do gravity defying things with me but it’s not my bag.

Believe me, I’m pretty down for a lot of things but choreography isn’t what I’m into but

I’m cold, lonely, and presently unemployed so I’ve got all the time in the world— I’m the ideal winter boo!

Have love, will travel. Just sayin’.

I’m surprised to report that I actually found that I was cleaner when I didn’t have a dishwasher. Then again, that was when I lived alone so I only had to look out for my own mess. Living with a roommate sans dishwasher was an entirely different story.

If I’m on the couch I will literally roll right off of it and onto the floor and hide behind the coffee table if someone shows up unannounced.

Friends don’t make friends duck for cover!

But, yes, everyone here needs to stop fawning over the “wisdom” of teenage actresses. It’s crazy, and they are pretty much never ever wise.

I would totally party with Miley. That said, I think she would be pretty exhausting to have as a cohort on a daily basis.

And it’s based on a true story...For me it then becomes instantly creepier but also more intriguing :/

I had a Xanga when I was a freshman/sophomore in high school (I’m 29 now).
Lawwwwwwd. I rediscovered it recently and my face must have resembled a tomato, I was so embarrassed by my entitlement. Among other remarks there was: “I can’t believe ___ doesn’t like me! We’re obviously so perfect for each other!” Young

Jesus, even if he didn’t believe it was incredibly irresponsible and unethical (which it was) you’d think his lawyer would at least make it seem like he understood the gravity of what he did.

I’m not in favor of this remake but I will say that her film Funsize was far more entertaining than I expected.