
I will see your Monkees and raise you some Raiders:

First, trying to eat that would probably look like I just went through a version of Thunderdome where all the competitors had copper-based blood.

recent? Jared Leto has been insufferable FOREVER.

Yes, Prince somehow managed to look absolutely smashing in clothes that I would swear were based on my Aunt Ginny’s cocktail pantsuits circa 1964.

Well, that's life as a Republican!

Oh, Pharrell and his short pants!! Love him!

I can't imagine driving around flaunting my wealth in a place with that level of poverty. I felt like an idiot being on the air conditioned bus going to our hotel. :/

Jared Leto is a friggin’ golem made out of Trying Too Hard. If he cuts himself while shaving pure liquid Trying Too Hard dribbles out. If Trying Too Hard were a deity Jared Leto would be its earthbound avatar.

I swear that was my exact thought when I saw the picture of him. Exact wording.

Call me when there is a movie about Die Fledermaus’ origin story.

Not what they are saying at all. The critics say it is bad, not Jezebel.

So, I’ve had to work with him and his shitty band twice. He is insanely stupid. Like Jordan Catalano is smarter than Jared Leto and that motherfucker couldn’t read.

How dare people protest for substantial economic justice! It’s not like doing that for the past six months has resulted in a substantial shift left in the Democratic party platform! How dare anyone interrupt the queen!

Delusional? Why, because we supported a man who says what he believes instead of a woman who flip-flops depending on what day it is?

This is an excellent way to unite the party, by relentlessley making fun of Bernie’s supporters, calling them “Bernie Bros”, children, spoiled, racist and by cherry picking one or two hold-outs and acting as if that’s all his supporters, despite poll after poll showing Hillary pulling in 90% of us, far more than the Hi

Did you see what he wore on Jimmy Fallon last night?

If ever anyone asks what a tool is, I just link them to his IMDB.

Method acting his way through life.