
This is the wrongest thing I ever read.

Well said.

Just because a lot of people are doing something that might be rape doesn’t mean you say oh no these people aren’t all maybe raping people, that would mean too many people are almost rapists. Sorry, no. You described a coerced act, just like those in the article.

The responsibility is on men to obtain consent because society has determined you folks aren’t capable of not being rapists. You’ve blamed our skirts, our drinking, your own female partner’s frigidity; you’ve rewritten consent so that’s basically, “You said yes because I said so.” It really comes down to the

Actually the blame for rape apologists is on the rape apologists. Not the person who wrote an article about it.

Apparently, Gizmodo is the home of MRA douche canoes. I just stopped by from Jezebel and now I feel as if I need to take a shower and go back to the sane part of Gawker media.

Yeah, sounds like somebody is trying to cast their opinions into the responses of this extremely small sample of women.

If you got so drunk that a mugger noticed and decided to take advantage of that, a lawyer wouldn’t attempt to use your drunkenness to get the mugger off charges.

I wish I could star your response a dozen times.

Can we get late 80's to mid 90's Val Kilmer to play the role?

Wow very rude to Sporty, who legitimately has the best voice of any of them.

Except he handed them his rifle and they haven't corrected their original statement. The tweet is still being circulated as fact.

Perfect use of Lying Cat. (Also, I can’t wait to get home from work today because Saga Vol. 6 will be waiting for me and I’m dying to read it!)

*quietly puts down glass and pushes it away*

+10 for perfect use of Lying Cat

This is not about politics. This is about equal consequences for racist behavior. If this was an Asian, Mexican, Caucasian or whoever saying the same exact words as Jesse Williams did, I would be against it and petitioned them to be fired if they did not suffer the same consequences as others have suffered for their

I will never understand that haircut. You might as well just wear a tee shirt reading Do Not Engage, Have Zero Social Skills And An Anger Management Problem.

This is what Johnny Depp reminds me of:

Do you ever wake up and think, “Maybe I won’t troll a post about four dead children?”

“Passengers can call ahead of time to learn more about the screening process for their particular needs or medical situation.”