
I have to agree with this. It’s a movie premiere, not a transfer of the crown jewels. They aren’t set up for an armed attacker, and there’s no reason they should have been. While I can understand the anger and grief of the families, it wasn’t reasonable to sue.

As the story notes, it is a tactic to keep the plaintiffs from appealing. I see it all the time. The plaintiffs will agree to not appeal, and the claim for fees and costs will be dismissed. And, yeah, you should if you are out 700K for a frivolous claim. I see people all the time bitch about what a sue-happy society

The year the woman was running? Hillary ran before as have other women.

It’s definitely harassment and it’s fucking obsession as well. He is completely and utterly obsessed with Amber Rose and Taylor Swift. This should be a red flag for his wife.

“a video in which no one is being physically violated”

it’s not oppressive? quit doing it and see how that goes. it’s a symptom of the culture-wide expectation that women manipulate and brutalize their bodies to fit unrealistic beauty standards. that’s not to say that every woman hates doing it, obviously that isn’t the case. we internalize the culture we live in. things

But that is how kids look! Your partners grew up in a society that fetishizes young girls bodies and praises grown women to the degree they are able to replicate them. Your partners aren’t child molesters and there’s nothing morally wrong for any given person to go hairless if that's their preference, but it’s a

In their final moments on earth, these poor girls were fully aware that their own mother was going to blow them away just to spite their father. On his birthday.

I always have to laugh at the type of response that amounts to “x group are crybabies that can’t handle shit” and meanwhile can’t see how ridiculous it is that they are so upset and aggrieved over the issue/ change themselves. So, you are a little crybaby bitch, too, right? Like if the name is such an unimportant,

He died because he didn’t bring a decent map or a radio. He wasn’t hiking thousands of miles from any human contact. He was cut off by a flooded river when he tried to leave, but there was another crossing only a few miles away. He was also close to a bunch of cabins filled with supplies, used by people who vacationed

Gahh bobby I love you😍😘

Re: Benjen’s reminder of the magic in the Wall. Potentially, since Bran let the Night’s King touch him in the dreamscape, he may undo all the protective magic once he heads south of the wall (just as this mark broke the magic preventing the White Walkers entry into the Three-eyed Raven/Children of the Forest’s lair).

why is “rap” now just free form lazy mumbled word association goulash over a click track with some sampled sound effects?

It’s shitty and exploitative to make and display photorealistic topless images of women without their consent and even worse to go around telling people that they may be images of the actual woman.

They killed their child. They have several other children. The family makes their living by selling these snake oil cures and have been vocally unrepentant about killing their own son and trying to publicly persuade idiots like you that they were just well-meaning fuckups when they murdered their child by neglect and

I just dislike people in general, and she falls into the category of “people”.

Her twitter feed is amahzing

I know it’s true because it happened to me. I wouldn’t call myself a ‘Hollywood insider’ but I post about how I’m a production assistant and see a lot of shit.

She was on Howard Stern a month or so ago(?) and she came off really well. Seemed like a real family person, contrite about some of the shit she had said, her charity work… she almost got me thinking that she was getting the raw end of the deal…. I’m so gullible.

As someone who has had personal interactions with this humanoid and knows people who have suffered through working with her as well, that title is super accurate.