
I feel the same way. Who she is as a person has actually made me appreciate her music more. Otherwise, I would just write it off as shmaltz. Then you see her in videos and interviews and it’s just an expression of her crazy compulsively singing shmaltzy self.

Meghan is a fact checker. She is going to take the fights to the next level. When she busted the Newport Imaging lie I was sold for life.

They both seem a little bit old to play Aladdin. This is really the only love action remake I can get behind purely because it’s a bunch of roles for POC in a major blockbuster.

Kendall Jenner needs a better management team.

Thank you. That was bugging the shit out of me but I am just a lowly grey.

Why would you take the 5 of you are going from Downtown to Thousand Oaks. Also, it’s just the 5 not I-5.

Thank you, I think that’s what people get wrong about feminism and beauty. It isn’t feminist to participate in the beauty myth. However, it is natural and human to decide where and how we want to draw the line. Do I occasionally glam up? Yes. Do I know the historical, economic and gender politics of how and why I

Unless you have fabulous legs and want to showcase them. I have this big black boxy sac dress and when I wear it the only thing you can look at are my pale legs. It’s surprisingly hot and I don’t have to wear anything constricting.

If you are a tee shirt kinda gal you might want to consider a pull over knit turtle neck. You can wear long sleeve or short sleeve and it’s an easy put together look with skirts or pants.

Plus-sized curse. The arm wholes are always too big and you can’t alter that without sticking a panel in.

That’s weird. I saw my friend, who is a crew member on the show, this weekend and they said that production was totally stopped.

Maybe it’s my age but Waco will always be associated with the Branch Davidians in my mind, not vacations.  

Yeah, that Romeo and Juliette law thing in Transformers was pretty telling.

Weird mix. The vocals are too low.

Wait, did she really bring all that talent on stage and only did 10 seconds of U.N.I.T.Y?

Clearly there was something more than raunchy sex that happened. People don’t quit and pull the plug on productions because things got too exciting. I think this is a sick attempt to put a spin on nonconsensual sex and the production is trying to cover it up because they provide all the alcohol and didn’t intervene

What is she doing with that kid?

I had a bad impression of Grande because of the doughnut thing and the rumors about being a brat and being carried everywhere. She has really stepped up and reacted in an admirable way. She was there during the bombing too so it can’t be easy.

Depends on your definition of successful. The BEP were critically successful before Fergie. Some people feel that adding Fergie derailed the band and changed their focus to pop music.

Some people are grey because no one takes the time to ungrey them. Some people are very because they criticize the writers. Notice no one says boo about the writers or the style of the articles?