
I just expect more from Lorde. This is kind of generic pop.

Beyond the moral issues of racism. It’s an ensemble cast. Even from the coldest most rational place it makes sense to offer as much diversity as possible to attract as many different ethnicities of viewers as possible.

She didn’t learn anything. She’s just upset that she was inconvenienced. Still blows my mind that she though it was OK to take naked pictures of people without their consent. Regardless of wether she meant to share it privately or publicly.

Clearly this guy has problems with inappropriate sexual boundaries. That would make this another sad tale of “don’t do it girl.” However, he has inappropriate sexual boundaries around children and teenagers. If she continues to allow her kid around him after that than she has serious issues as well.  

I have seen videos popping up on Facebook where women wax their baby hairs.

nailed it.

Katy Perry is soooo desperate for attention right now. She reeks of it. I am also not convinced that Taylor doesn’t have some kind of agreement with Kanye West and Katy Perry because they all get publicity for it and none of them seem afraid to bring it up when it suits them.

I am sad that this means that it will be awhile before we see a Key and Peele reunion. However Peele is really having a breakthrough as a director. So I guess I’ll just have to deal.

The acting is really of putting. I think it’s an intentional thing though. It does give it a 90s indie film vibe.

There was a video the Hilton sisters at a party saying the n-word. I guess they used it a lot in their household. Money can’t buy you class, elegance is learned my friend.

That Calabasas jacket is hilarious. I love the map. Here’s the 101 and here’s the shopping plaza and that’s it. That’s all there is to Calabasas.

Now playing

Gotta give a shout out to Kacy Catanzaro too. She was kicking ass until the spider wall. That was a robbery!!!

couldn’t have happened to douchier bags.

That picture of Katy Perry looks like the Golden Girls version of Miley Cyrus.

If I was a politician I would be a Democrat. Even if it was just for the photo ops with the good celebrities.

It took over 2 of the 3 screens at the drive-in near me and those screens normally play a double header. So instead of a line up like FF and monster trucks it’s just FF on loop.

Man that Blanket story is a heartbreaker. I hope he finds a positive community to give him emotional support.

Please, she’s so contrived. Zero percent chance that she’ll spill the T.

I like the suit but then she just puts mall clothes over it? Also, that Gaga song is a big zero.

Quinn was very self-aware. She was just too insecure to actually share her real self because she was obsessed with conforming.