
You are close in the sense that dwarf refers to a specific condition, dwarfism, and not all little people have dwarfism. However, midget is just an outdated term that has connotations that are not positive so a lot of people want to distance themselves from the term.

And now Can’t Get You Outta My Head is stuck in my head.

The roof bit was prefilmed. She was lowered mid-way on the day.

No but he killed a cover of Foo Fighters which was shade because he did not appreciate when they did a cover of “Darling Nicki“

The wire work was awkward and underwhelming. The subversive message she was sending was totally tame and easy to miss. She’s always been a little off the mark for me but I feel like she’s working with different people or something because the theatricality, which has always been her strong suit wasn’t really there.

In California, you can sue if a clothing store forces you to purchase their brand to meet their dress code. They either have to provide the clothes for free or specifically state that your clothes must look “similar”to the brand.

It’s that Tomato person.

Kristin Stewart was like a comedy cooler. Everyone is having too much fun. I should stand up and make everyone think this is a funeral.

Tell that to the Barrymores and the Fondas.

Well, she’s talked about her Tony Motolla/gilded cage period before. Sounds like she was a different person then, as in not herself.

I hate how much I love that video.

There is still age discrimination for producers and directors. There is just a higher limit for what age people’s careers start to slow down at.

I want aware that Gizmodo and Jezebel do that kind of reporting. I thought they may summarized news articles. You know, repost with captions.

David Bowie is a fabulous actor. He had the best portrayal of Andy Warhol to date in Basquiat. The Labyrinth and The Hunger and the truly bizarre Man Who Fell to Earth. The man has chops.

Sure, but don’t you notice when your partner goes off. I can hear the moment that my boyfriend drinks too much or gets upset before everyone else.

I understand the choice not to make the character Tibetan because China is such a large box office market but they could have represented another Asian country. I do appreciate the gender swap though. Has Margaret Cho tried dramatic times before?

That’s cool but it’s hard to get excited about actors getting crazy paychecks when the crews aren’t making enough money to buy homes in the city that they work in.

There was a joke I’ve heard around the lot. “I’ve never had hot coffee thrown in my face but there is a New Girl in town.”

No she’s not. Those farts are kind of funny.

Not to mention that she said that the Scientologists would release a statement like this and then they did. Basically confirming the validity of her statements against the church.