
Can all the stupid anti-vaxxers go live on an island and give each other preventable diseases? I don’t care if they want to make bad decisions but their aggressive ignorance actually has a body count.

It’s that classic thing about how do you separate the art from the person. The Cosby Show and A Different World were important shows that were aspirational and brought upper class educated African-Americans into every household. It's unfortunate that the legacy of those shows are forever tarnished by the horrific

Trader Joe’s is a place where you can buy lots of snacks and decent frozen and pre-made food. It’s a good way to not cook but feel better about it. They oddly lack certain basics like baking powder or tin foil and their produce and meat options are limited and a little bit expensive. Oh and they sell good cheap wine.

I liked Spy because McCarthy's character actually knew what she was doing. If she was a struggler I don't think the film would have worked.

Good. Fuck Georgia. Let’s force the South into the 21st century.

I guess the age that you marry is a factor but I think it hurts women professionally. Especially if you change it when you marry and change it back when you divorce.

Seriously! It's actually pretty healthy to date a variety of people as long as you are open and honest about it. You're less likely to commit to an unhealthy relationship if you remember that there are options out there.

I also work in the industry. I could see letting my kid work as a baby because they wouldn’t really get what is going on. 3 and up though? Shut that shit down.

This just supports the conspiracy theory that Trump is running a Bat Shit Crazy Campaign to help his friend Hilary win the election. Why hire a liability like this guy when you are running a Presidential campaign?

Behold: What an actor is really like. His publicist sucks.

It was a real miscarriage of justice that John Landis and the AD and the stunt coordinator were not held legal responsible for killing those people.

Ironically, last weekend my boyfriend and I were watching Zootopia and the screening was totally ruined by two drunk adults.

Actually, biographical films generally do not need to rely on big names. This film was an excellent opportunity to give an actress a lead role to add to her resume. For instance, no one knew Jennifer Lopez by name when she played Selena.

I am loving Kara Brown and Jane Marie’s pissy replies to the commenters.

When did the Harry Potter books address British history? Just seems weird to jump into historical fiction in a country that you are less familiar with.

Why would this baby be a feminist?Nobody in his life is a feminist.

I don’t think that Padma Lakshmi was famous before Salman Rushdie. I mean even if you don’t count the Booker Prise that he won in ‘81, Satanic Verses (the book that resulted in the fatwa that was put on him) came out in 1988. Padma started her modeling career in ‘91 even then I don’t think people really knew her by

We really need to be more sensitive to Native American history and culture. It’s mind blowing that we still have teams called the Braves and Redskins. Not to mention we barely teach Native American history in grade school history. Kind of seems like the least we could do.