
Atleast he shot her, not himself.

I feel more like the patient etherized upon a table.

I am wondering if Keisha will get to perform under that name if Dr Luke and Kemosabe are dropped. Sort of how Prince had to temporarily change his name to a sign after his dispute with Sony.

The Kardashians aren’t body positive. Their entire message is to alter yourself and lie about it. To hide their natural bodies, their flaws and even their humanity. To create an entirely false and plastic persona. Their sexuality isn’t empowered it’s a commodity. Their fame and their empire is built on it. Not a

Kim is internalize misogyny on display. I do agree that the she's a mother and she made a porno comments are misogynistic though.

Absolutely this. Betty’s comment was incredibly mild and Kanye is obviously having a manic episode. Not to mention, it’s not like we haven’t seen tactics like this from the K Klan before.


It was the twitter equivalent of laughing at her own "joke"

Wow, I am surprised but how nice that that they both know what is like to be a transperson and can support each other.

I never said that.

That really minimizes her position during his presidency.

I think this article can articulate my opinion about that better than I can.

That’s a good point. I agree with you.

Now playing

Yes, that is true however. “bringing super predators to heel” is a far different view than Bernie’s position in 1994.

I think you are right. I also think that it's incorrect to say that he only focuses on the economic factors that contribute to racial in equality.

Hilary didn’t make an improper word selection 20 plus years ago. She was a vocal supporter for her husband policies that created incentives for incarcerating African Americans. Basically creating the school to prison pipeline that she vows to destroy today.

You know she’s vowing to end the school to prison pipeline that her husband helped to create, right?

I am sick of the erasure of women who support Bernie Sanders.