
Didn’t you hear, girls only support Sanders so they can date Bernie Bros? Don’t let people know that you are a woman who supports Sanders or people come into your bedroom at night and revoke your feminist card and reclaim vagina.

Well, the second picture in the article mashes it clear that they are painted purple. However, a more culturally sensitive person would realize that the picture that got them in trouble does look like they are painted in blackface even if it is because of the lighting. I can understand why the University would be

I wish they just cut Coldplay out. Bruno Mars vs Beyoncé was fabulous.


I am with you. Glamorizing the Manson Family when the spouses and children of the victims are still alive is totally fucked up.

Kind of weird to invoke the name Ron Popeil. I mean that dude actually invents stuff.

Celine doesn’t have Aretha’s soul or style but she is an amazing singer. She has control and range. She's not my cup of tea but that's just a taste thing.

Also, eggplant soup is jizz. Right?

I don’t know why I watched that Wendy Williams clip but I love the one lady that is sitting too close to the crowd mic. All of her melancholy “awes” when WW talks about Rita Ora being an orphan cracked me up.

Actually, there was a Gamer Gate type backlash against a critic who wrote a negative article about him. He went on Twitter and this was his response:

In that awful/awesome kind of way.

First of all, smoking pot and reading comic books in my 40s sounds great. Secondly, outside of his film work; he podcasts, owns a comic/dvd/memorabilia store that exist IRL but is also the setting for a reality TV show that he produced, host a second show, has comics based on his characters one of which was adapted to

Are Amber and Amy working on a cartoon? Because those two are abusing the airbrush tool.

I don't mind them. They are basically a boxing shoe.

Actually, Shangela’s drag has greatly improved. I worked with her on a show and I just fell in love. Such a nice person and she was a hard worker.

Omg the emojis

Snyder must suck at SimCity.

I can't speak for everyone but I would like to know if my boyfriend was a creepy dick (pun intended) behind my back.

She didn't step in when 14 year old Khloé was fucking a 25 year old or when 19 year old Kim married a 30 year old.

Why is a child wearing fur? I can't believe animals had to die for something so stupid. Also, that child is seconds from doing irreparable damage with that lollipop.