MoBetter Greens

Agree. I feel like it’s murder porn.

Republicans every where are the same say. They don’t understand the concept of empathy until that specific issue touches their lives. Excuse the blunt example but I live in a very rural area of Wisconsin and you can ask 80 year old grandpas how they would feel if their grandsons were gay and they’d say fine, let them

BTW, to the trolls trying (and failing) to justify this shooting? May you suffer the same fate or befall something equally as horrible. I mean it.

You caught me!

I just got through saying the same thing. After a certain point, this is just voyeuristic. Like, there is nothing new to learn from these after a certain point. Personally, it’s not good for my emotional and mental health.

georgia voter (not in the 6th though so don’t blame me) here: ossoff’s ads were all about issues and policy. handel’s ads were all about how ossoff is a liberal (basically, appeals to tribal politics). dems need a more compelling storyline because the word liberal is still a dirty word down here. issues and policy are

Voter suppression? First of all, the district is 70+ percent white. Second, hey guess what? You know why Black turnout is down? Because low-SES Blacks aren’t as interested in taking time off of work, losing money, and finding transportation to vote for a generic White Democrat as they are in voting for Barack Obama.

That besides Atlanta, Georgia is a bigoted and anti progress State. Why is the film/TV industry there, they don’t deserve it.

Cool, were you in Ohio in 2004 when voting machines weren’t registering votes for Kerry? Were you there in 2008 when the election board was kicking students from historically black universities off voter roles for misplaced apostrophes in their names? Or what about when a local town engineer in Greene County put up

We’ve seen so many of them, that at this point, these are just snuff films.

SOMEONE PLEAAAASSEEEEEE REPORT ON FALLIBILITY ELECTRONIC VOTING. So Ossoff was up +7 a week ago and we’re just going to go straight to infighting about Bernie and Hillary. Productive.

This video truly made me sick. As did his girlfriends. I lost sleep over the initial video. I cried. I just did again. nothing on that tape justified that shooting. As a card carrying Caucasian I know he wouldn’t have been shot if he had a gun in his car. He would have been allowed to finish his sentence until bullets

I can’t with this one. I know people with kids in that school. My kids are going to look a lot like him in a few years. The horror is an old friend because I’ve witnessed the sheer hell my friends have gone through. The terror is knowing I’m one fucking traffic stop from this.

Why aren’t the NRA folks rioting over this? A responsible gun owner did everything you’re supposed to do but was killed.

I just saw the footage a little while ago, and I just feel sick. How terrifying are black men in the average persons mind? Just how pathologized is blackness that this very calm and polite man could be murdered after just a few brief seconds? It’s horrifying. I honestly don’t know what I can do that won’t make it even

It has the opposite effect in me - it makes me feel despair. Like there’s nowhere to look to for enlightenment.

My sister consistently and repeatedly told me I was fat and unattractive for the first 20 years of me life, even once going so far as to tell me “the only reason a man would ever marry you is because he’d hope that your kids would look like me.” To this day, she and my parents just tell me I need to get over it and

Stamp-stamp CLAP, stamp-stamp CLAP! WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU.

I guess the only surprise to this story is that this future felon wasn’t yelling racial epithets.

I too, do not care. I will post a duck chilling with a doggo.