MoBetter Greens

Fuzzy, distended colon. Genius.

Dodged it like a goddamn champ too. Ah to be only mildly laughed at on the world know where the people are.

Remember the shoe being thrown at him?! Lol good times...

Honestly, they should have a Bill with deliberately ego-stroking titles for Trump and see what happens. It’d be funny to watch him shout at Reps in the House and Senate for removing a “Trump Appreciation Bill” that secretly demanded his tax returns or something.

With so many things to be outraged about, this is one that just irks me beyond belief. They act as though Trump being president, or the family living in the White House, is so far beneath them. Most everyone would be overcome with the privilege of getting to live in the White House and these idiots act like it’s a


I mean, a long time ago I got hired for a job I was totally unqualified for...and yes, it was some the hardest I’ve worked in my life. And I STILL sucked at it, and eventually got fired. Because I wasn’t qualified to do the work the job demanded. So, just because you’re “working really hard” doesn’t mean you’re

Did she miss all the spite and hatred that was aimed at the Obamas for eight years - much of it vomited forth by her father?

As the famous French philosopher Pepe LePew once said, “Les boo, les hoo.”

I always get the feeling America is suppose to feel honor that a member of the Trump Dynasty is willing to lower themselves to government work on our behalf.

Also, Trump was not even remotely vindicated by Comey’s testimony. It was the exact opposite— and was pretty damaging to Trump.

I cannot believe how sheltered these people (Trump supporters (and family)) are. They call US snowflakes while whining (non-stop) on facebook about how mean we are to Trump, TRUMP! A person who built an empire on being mean, a person who whined about Obama for 7 years.

I have to say, where has being better gotten us?


When was the last time the children of our president were off limits? I’m CLEARLY not advocating being horrible to a child, but the obama girls were called monkeys for 8 years, and im pretty sure Chelsea was CRUCIFIED for existing. So you’ll have to excuse me for not caring that this post, and most of the

I want to hug him. He’s just a gangly pre-teen having the country debate over the wiring of his brain. When I saw this picture, it gave me Momma Bear feels. #leaveBarronalone

He looks nearly as tall as his Dad. He has definitely grown. He may end up being Comey size ha.

It looks like it. I have a ten almost 11 year old, who is tallish, but Barron looks like he has six inches on him.

Oddly, i’m just happy Barron gets to dress like a kid.

At least! I assume having that putrid pusbag out of the house allowed him to grow. He may actually shrink now that he’s back under the same roof.