MoBetter Greens

Dear Tomi:

Are the snowflakes... perhaps... coming from inside the house?

I’m still trying to figure out how they got into her guns. It’s pretty small in there.

I actually make dog treats as a business (licensed and everything), so I have recipes I can share with you. Or I could mail you some treats that are already made 😀

holy fuck

Seriously what did Tomi think was going to happen? Short of getting fired this was the likely outcome. Hard to believe someone who lives in her conservative bubble could have misread this situation.

the worst snapchat filter :/

She basically doesn’t believe in any regulation of anything. If people need protective regulations and safety nets too bad.

Wait wait wait. She’s pro-choice? But just really into making poor people suffer? I’m struggling here.

If they let go of the abortion issue they lose everything; evangelicals will almost certainly drift leftward, which is historically their more comfortable home anyway, and the remainder of the GOP wouldn’t be able to sustain an electable presence in most places, much less nationally.

Just need some Muslim, Hindu, Wiccan and Satanic students up in there passing out their literature and saying “Praise Allah” to fellow students in order to get this legislation tossed into the trash real fast.

The inability of privileged majorities to distinguish between their own hurt feelings and actual oppression will be the death of this country.

You mean as opposed to isolating it to... me, personally? It was more a response to the “attempt” to say that my sarcastically pointing out the root causes of “unhappiness” in our society was really... I don’t know what the reply is suggesting... a reflection of what I truly think? I don’t even get what they’re going

I think there was agreement because you were clearly trying to be insulting and make your counterpart feel bad about themselves. They chose not to take the bait and instead played along, probably because they were amused by the situation. I think most of us reading along can see that.

Or maybe they are more successful in dealing with mental health issues as health issues and once you add in strong, more widely available healthcare you not only have those suffering from mental getting the health care they need, but the rest of society sees drops in crime, the institutionalized, prison populations,

Curious about the leap you made from “sources I trust and like” to “hearing only what I want to hear.”

I watched Sean Hannity the other day for about 5-10 minutes just out of curiosity. I was upset for about a week after.

