MoBetter Greens

“When you have a really good team, people will treat you this way,” he said. “And we do have a pretty good team.”

“...You have to respect the office. They got laws.”

Find your bootstraps, white bigots. If you lose a competition, it means you need to step up your game.

When this happens, people should video that shit and put it on the internets so that these loser racists face consequences.

I’m happy the kids recognized the racists’ mediocrity was making them jealous and mean. The racists are incompetent and mad at smart brown and black kids for ruining thier “white supremacy”! No wonder they call facts and science fake.

To be fair, The Root is just repeating and condensing an article in which the offending parents weren’t named, either.

Don’t be sad. Get angry. Why have the offending parents not been named?

Congrats to the kids!

Ahahaha! They already twirled on those stupid fucks at State and they know it.

Congratulations to these kids, though! I hope they continue to win! Even if they don’t, I hope they continue studying and working within this field.

I realize we shouldn’t be surprised about this. After all, he’s always been an old-school sexist. Didn’t take much to push him over the edge.

Honestly, it’s the utmost respect for the office to be appalled at, loudly critical of and actively fighting against its occupation by this hatemongering hosebag.

Honestly, I disagree. There are funnier descriptors, but I really care a crap-ton more that the White House is owned by the Russian mafia than I do that someone put cheeto dust in the spray-tan machine.

“They got laws.”?

Hey Steve, how’s your work going with 45 on rebuilding inner cities? Are you and Kanye, Jim Brown, Omarosa, and Ben getting things done? Just wondering, you dumbshit...

Note to self: don’t make casual joke that potentially implicates nuclear war around gilbertkittens.

They are also discovering that there is a reason there are 15 different under secretaries, assistants, experts on certain countries, policy wonks, ect that are supposed to be there helping out. Maintaining U.S. diplomatic relations isn’t a one man job, even for someone who (unlike Rex) has actually done work requiring

Counterpoint: the less time Trump surrogates are meeting with foreign leaders, the less chance they have to fuck things up. Which they undoubtedly would.

So many CEO-type old men in this administration used to starting at 10am, going for a 2 hour lunch at 12, and being home by 4pm are suddenly discovering that the “public sector” they’ve mocked their whole lives doesn’t roll that way.

Hey, remember when someone pointed out that when you exclude the US press corps from the Sec of State’s travel, it means the only reporting done on the meetings will come from the foreign press?