MoBetter Greens

Until you’ve seen a loved one on the brink of literal death due to addiction, maybe you should consider being quiet.

Yep. Happened to me.

That doctor should lose his license. If a patient says their pain is fine or that they can manage, then the doctor needs to accept what the patient says. Pushing hydrocodone is not a good practice.

Thank you for sharing that.

I had a workplace related injury that resulted in me separating a rib from my sternum momentarily and caused a lot of muscle pain when I used my right arm for anything. The doctor insisted I go on Hydrocodone even though I told him I could deal with the pain fine. I went back for a checkup two weeks later and again he

You’re funny. I live in fucking chronic pain and have for years. I have degenerative disc disease and had to have emergency surgery on a rupture in 2011 when I lost all feeling below the waist and I have a second one that is in the neurosurgeon’s words “collapsed.” I can’t stand or walk long distances without my feet

Congrats on the clean time. That’s good shit.

I was in a pretty horrific car accident about 5 years ago and was in a lot of pain from my injuries. I was prescribed 30 Oxys when I was discharged from the hospital. One of the nurses literally chased me out to my car and told me please please don’t take the pills for more than 3 days, self medicate with pot and


keep it up mate :)

I am sick of right wing politicians saying they’re doing this because “Women” “Shouldn’t have to worry when they visit a restroom” or that “The American people” “want this or that”.

Party of “Personal Responsibility”, everyone!

He’s suffering because of capitalism, which I thought Republicans loved like nothing else. Companies have determined it is in their best interest to not be viewed as hateful bigots. The invisible hand of the free market is giving you the finger, Pat, you’re just gonna have to deal with it.

I love it when bigots think the last thing they are is a bigot. The only thing this man is a victim of is his own bigotry. And wow! Words and actions have consequences?! That’s not PC culture, dickhead. That’s how the world works.

I think this might be the first adverse event in the man’s charmed career of letting other people do the hard work (such as the Charlotte city council) while he gets to take all the credit. He was a damn lobbyist for most of his career. He can’t understand why we’re all being so mean about this!

Yeah he really should have thought that through. Operating the bathroom door handle with stigmata has got to be a real pain in the ass.

So broken that he thinks “fear of being called a bigot” is the “worst of our country going on right now.” Rather than, I dunno: massive wealth inequality, millions of people about to lose their health insurance, systemic racism most prominently displayed in the shooting of unarmed black men, corruption in government

Jesus. For a group whose whole fucking thing is how strong and respected they are, these people whine about A FUCKLOAD OF SHIT.