MoBetter Greens

If you mean it’s funny because this guy is such a fucking asshole and helps make an ass out of Wall Street, then yes, I think we can be friends.

Wow, you see people sneering at this loser with utter contempt and interpret it as “tears”? That is just pathetic. I hope your mommy and daddy are getting you the counseling you need, bud.

New Fox on air finance contributor.

Maybe he did this to highlight the treatment of women by finance companies.... his way of pointing out how women get f’d over.

It’s a small example but if your point is that those are supposedly liberal beliefs, the two anti-vaxxers I know are also Trump supporters, and they’re also into homeopathic remedies for the same so-called “reasons”, basically that Big Medicine is out to get them. By the way, what is a “fad lifestyle” exactly?

I had gastric bypass surgery several years ago and lost half of myself. I went from averaging around 300 to averaging around 150.

Can I ask what your story is?

That was really nice of you to share your experience and wisdom for those that need it. I’m not a patient, but if I were considering the surgery, I’d be really grateful for so much candid information.

When I had mine about 15 years ago not only did I deal with all of what you are, but I also would get physically sick if I ate the wrong thing, a tiny bit more than i should have or just because my body decided to make me throw up that day. Thankfully the sleeves and bands of today remove a lot of those issues, but

God, it is depressing to have “gawk at the vaguely famous fat lady who’s thinner now and make comments about how attractive or not we think she is and whether or not she’s actually the size she says she is” be the kind of thing that gets posted on one of the largest women’s websites on the internet. Wasn’t there a

That burns me so much that they went in and changed that. I was a heavy kid and loved those books and thought that if I could just be a size 6 then I would be perfect like the twins. I finally got there and then they changed it to a size 4.

She looks great and I’m happy for her in that regard. But she’s still a disgusting person so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

She looks like a woman who moved in the man who had raped her with fewer chins.

Losing weight doesn’t make someone “hot”, it just makes them weigh less. I am not a fan of her or her original show. She is still a terrible person for allowing her daughters to be abused and/or hang around with known abusers, so why would I care about this new show where she continues to exploit her daughter in

Sweet Valley High’s “perfect size 6" translated to today’s vanity sizing ≈ size 4

I hate to be this person, but why oh why do they use size 4 as if it’s a meaningful measurement? It’s frustrating. But, I guess, I’m mad that I care at all because I really shouldn’t. I won’t be watching, so thanks for showing the picture and satiating my morbid curiosity.

Why would you even give this awful human being more publicity?

I think I’m done with Jez today. See y’all tomorrow.

I’m not going to jump on you like everyone else. Instead I’m going to ask you a serious question.
What did the author say about Obama? Did anything she said indicate to you that she’s a big fan of his? I didn’t see it. She may or may not be, but I didn’t see it mentioned and don’t see why it’s relevant to the point she