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I can never think about ocelots ever again without thinking about this.

And continuing that Disney tradition, the lead boys are hot.

I'm only about 8 chapters in but he does have a guard dog of some sort.

Me and My Shadow sounds pretty awesome! I want to see more from that.

I seriously can't wait until this comes out.

Frankly, I loved the first one because I was kinda expecting the camera to pan out at the end to reveal a group a kids playing with G.I. Joe action figures.

I found the shirtless ninja fight scene very moving and emotional.

GIVE ME NOW!!! Or at least stop playing with me and give me a date.

The Snuggie mass text is one of the funniest things I've read all week. Seriously.

Is it just me or did Guy Pierce just found a way to get sexier? How is that possible?

I know. I rewatched the pilot and my jaw dropped.

The plot for Timeless sounds pretty close to Ludo's The Broken Bride album. Not saying that it's a bad plot but still.

"Now this is pod-racing!"

No, you're not. Also, "Telekinetic Farts" would be a cool album name.

I'm not the only who's singing the "Can-Can", right?

I'm so glad that I'm in my room by myself because it would be really awkard having to explain why I'm crying right now.

Part of me is estatic about this (And I mean like "Numfar, do the dance of Joy" estatic) but part of me is kinda sad that he feels that way.

I think another issue might be how long network tv shows are. 22 episodes is a lot even spread a good mystery, 5 main characters and their stories and still have the audience wanting to come back for more.

Oh. Then they need to do more! A two-hour Justice League movie with the orginal cast would be awesome sauce.