bLm woulD hAVe sEt SEvERaL cITiEs oN FIRe bY NoW!!!!!!
bLm woulD hAVe sEt SEvERaL cITiEs oN FIRe bY NoW!!!!!!
When she reported the story it was not known that Probst was hit intentionally. She reported the facts of the day. It wasn’t until the video came out 12 days later that it was known to be intentional. Would you rather speculation?
Well that’s fair, I suppose.
Pretty sure we just learned everything we needed to about you, lol
That’s what you took away from this?
It’s time we make cops write checks from their personal accounts.
Fuck the Police
There Is No Place For Confederate Flags In NASCAR Outside Of a Museum
How does cop butt taste like?
Hmm, if only there were another way to deflate tires without ruining them.
what the fuck ever, jan! that was not an attempt at continuing this conversation. but since you people never go away, i will tell you that it is impossible to color between lines that weren’t drawn for you. if they don’t riot, you people complain merely about the protests (theyre blockin traffic waaaa) and if they say…
Username checks out
Germany’s “curve was flatter”, too... right up until it jumped in the last couple of days. We’ll see how it plays out, but generally the “flat curve” thing has reflected testing rates, not actual occurrence of infection.
Where do you live that your house was less than $34k?
As much as I hate that family, you have to feel sorry for the kids. Imagine being taken out of school and sent to the eastern bloc. That can’t be easy.
Simple, 2 door hatchbacks are not selling well anywhere. My 4 door GTI is way easier to live with and even though the 2 door looks better, my wife and I don’t use condoms, so the 2 extra doors will make it to where I do not have to sell it when the lack of birth control catches up with us.
And people eat it up as evidenced by whoever is clapping. “Fuck yea I’m seeing a wreck!”
annnndddd it’s gone...