
Computerized corporate phone answering systems fool people into thinking they're actually customer service departments all the time... Comcast, et al...

Seems like male sexbots is a growth industry.

Monsanto lab nearby?

Never mind

If its made of reinforced concrete and has hermetically sealed entrance ways, all it will need is an acrylic dome and it will be ready for the age of climate change... not to mention the coming zombie apocalypse. Go Monsanto!

If we are to believe the history and patents, far earlier (like decades), Tesla demonstrated remote control watercraft for the US Navy.

I just can't help but wonder if TV show titled "Bitchy Women" would be a hit?

Its ready for the zombies to take up residence...

With Argonne National Lab's Tevatron shut down, they're looking for something new / next to do.

They're ruining it. I wish they wouldn't do this.

I don't know if anyone below mentioned it, but it look's like Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower to me.

That's like, 1500 years after Columbus' northern European predecessors discovered America. Wow.

Correcting myself:

"Something wonderful is going to happen"

If the article is about an undersea tunnel, why does the included photo / artwork depict a train that's just sitting on the seabed? Is it the visual journalistic content just a sloppy joke?

If Apple had any integrity as a company they would partner with Monster and tell Iovine to crawl back under the rock where he belongs.

Isn't that the same region where the World Cup sites are behind schedule only weeks before the big opening and people are dying on construction sites as they speed things up?

When does the Golden Ratio (Fibonacci Sequence) come into play with fractals? Thanks.