You will want your earplugs in as soon as the previews start. I guess they crank the volume for the previews both to get your attention and to make it sound epic.
You will want your earplugs in as soon as the previews start. I guess they crank the volume for the previews both to get your attention and to make it sound epic.
If you want to mischievous, hit the handicapped access touch buttons under the drip tray. I believe they lock out the touchscreen.
Other capacitor dashcams have the problem where they don’t like to be interrupted as they are booting. The problem is that you turn your car key to the accessory position and the power to the dashcam turns on. Then you start the car which usually briefly interrupts the power to the dashcam and causes the cam to hang.
Other capacitor dashcams have the problem where they don’t like to be interrupted as they are booting. The problem…
Here, let me toss another into the mix:
Here, let me toss another into the mix:
Is GPS really required?
Is GPS really required?
I just posted something about Mobius being usable for a bike, but it’s not much different from using a GoPro or other action camera, but at least the loop recording mode is easy to enable (with a PC).
I just posted something about Mobius being usable for a bike, but it’s not much different from using a GoPro or…
This doesn’t explain why the other desktop accessories (keyboard and trackpad) are usable with the lightning cords plugged in.
There are also kevlar versions of the nitrile lined gloves. Even kevlar/stainless steel fiber. But probably overkill for just gardening.
Also pretty simple next step (heh) considering computers often needed a phone line hooked up to them.
He had the stones to do it.
Great. Now can they make this a podcast (metapodcast) that I can subscribe to? Then if only there were a way to subscribe to the featured podcasts...
How about a mono version?
The thing about a lot of the great inventions is timing. As mentioned, Toshiba went and produced the thing, but it really was not the right time for a PDA to do well in the market. Nor was it a good time for the MessagePad, though perceived demand was increasing. Even the original USRobotics Pilot was a bit early, but…
Did they try to get rid of aerodynamic effects by performing the experiment in a vacuum? Or any other air pressures/reynolds numbers?
The big problem is that you might not know it’s broken until after an accident and you _really_ needed it to work then. But yeah, count on the bathtub curve and test it rigorously in the first couple of months and decide then whether to keep it or return it and upgrade.
The big problem is that you might not know it’s broken until after an accident and you _really_ needed it to work…
Yeah, I’m looking at the StreetGuardian version of the b4/a118. But it’s more than 3x the price of the a118 so I’m not sure about the price:performance.
Yeah, I’m looking at the StreetGuardian version of the b4/a118. But it’s more than 3x the price of the a118 so I’m…
What do you mean same internals besides the battery? Different screen, unless they’re masking off the original square screen, in which case I’d like to see how an unmasked screen would look in the round bezel. And different charging circuitry, unless that’s something implemented in software, then I’d like to see that…
There’s a deal for Kickstarter Time Steel supporters $50 off the round on a free 30 trial basis- return either the round or steel and get your deposit back (less shipping costs, I think).
Question: What organization would come and trap, spay, and (optionally) release the feral cats in my suburban neighborhood? City animal control (If there is one)? Humane society? ASPCA? Private services?