I Am A Swedish Plumber

Maybe obstructing traffic is illegal.

I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White

While Brooklyn Nine-Nine presents their main cast as unrealistically good, it certainly doesn’t paint the wider force in a positive light. If anything, it portrays the 99 as a small group of dedicated police who constantly struggle against politically ruthless or frankly criminal rivals within the force. The most

I miss when this was the kind of stuff people watched on YouTube instead of “influencers” saying racist shit while gaming or parents using their kids for clicks. 

I will hunt a mother fucker down if they even think of messing with this guy! As a child of color I grew up in shit neighborhood with a shit school system that was just passing me on through the grades. I was in the 3rd grade and I could not read. His show, was the one thing that made me want to learn to read.

Please do not ever disparage Donut Lord again.

I have daughters, 5 and 10. I don’t swear around them, and I don’t want them swearing either (or at least I want them to keep it to a minimum). Reading John Boyega post “I really fucking hate racists.” makes him seem like an even better role model (although honestly, I prefer them to find role models in the people

This is the Super Soaker “Hydro-Pump” water gun, the most powerful water gun in the world. It’ll blow your sins clean away.”

“Who’s Stuntman Mike?”

For your next foray into French cinema, I suggest Pascal Laugier’s Martyrs.

Every kid is different. There might be developmental or emotional issues we don’t know about. Maybe back off the criticism of a strangers parenting?

I'd sign up for this. It reminds me how people thought that movie Life would be a stealth prequel to Venom, when instead Life was a terrible movie with no reason to exist at all. 

I hate her and I don’t even know her. – kim L, McGregor USA, 20 hours ago

It really saddens me that everything in this game is being analyzed through some sort of min/maxing lens. It’s not just Kotaku. Unless a seasonal event or new bug type brings with it a new get rich scheme, it gets bashed as a waste of time. In an entire game about slowing down and appreciating the changes that come

Imagine expressing how you have learned to cope with your mental health, only to be told you’re wrong because it might not be relatable for everyone.

There’s no way they can make a Mad Max film with a different actor playing such an iconic, pivotal character...

I think we’re giving Ubisoft too much credit here with laying the blame on the console. Isn’t it possible that Ubi’s engine for Assassin’s Creed is just terrible at optimization?

Meanwhile, they have nothing to say about Sen. Mitch McConnell’s entry into the online version of Street Fighter II, where he played for 10 minutes as Dhalsim, where he backed into a corner and spammed weak-punch, before a loss to a character playing Ryu resulted in McConnell demanding to be allowed to play as Sagat

The Long Walk was one of my favorites.

This is why we must ban all drugs. And genitalia. And underpants.