
Yay, a DHC fan!

God May Forgive You by Iris Dement.

1. 28 year old me should not think that young Sawa is hot but I do. Sorry world.

I’ll let you know :)

He had a name like Snitch or Snatch....


Down With Love combined with Sin City. I think I need to hang with you and your husband now.

When/where can I read your novel?

Down With Love is my ultimate sick-day movie. It’s pretty and silly and just smart enough to keep me awake through the flu meds. And I like to wrap my head in a towel and pretend it’s a chic turban.

You get me. Simply the best.

I think Jamba Juice needs a spokeswoman named Watermelondrea.

I was just about to beg for a GIF from Earth Girls Are Easy and voila, there he is...thankyouverymuch!

This Is what she really wanted to say.


Rhapsody in Blue. Wicked Game. Anything by Thievery Corps.

He was also my middle school janitor.

11. Stay indoors. Air conditioning is the crown jewel of modern civilization.