
When they were funding this fan-film online, I questioned whether it would result in legal action from Paramount. People told me I was nuts.

That "This Feels Terrible" episode is painfully beautiful.

It seems the stupidest TV viewers go to comment on the AV Club comment section…

People are so disingenuous when it comes to qualifying the prequels vs. anything else. I can respect indifference. I can respect people saying they didn't like them. But flipping over the proverbial table every time its brought up… for 16 years? Complete fake outrage. And I don't believe most of it. If you really

Sounds like a terrible movie.

I'm sure they'll try to top this episode down the line… maybe soon, but I don't know how they can. This is a master-class in story telling. Every writer, especially ones punching up screenplays right now, should study it, especially the scenes with "Karsi" since I didn't know her name but I was actually worried for

Did that just say it DIDN'T harm the season? So… this far in, we're still pretending everything this clownshoes does is genius? Alrighty…


You keep upvoting yourself like the massive tool your ridiculous opinions project you to be…

Save the melodrama for yo mama.

As the world gets safer, people become more paranoid over every little thing. You'll see, in a hundred years, crime will be cut in half, if not more, and people will be calling the cops because they saw someone flex their muscles, a clear indication they want to fight someone, somewhere, sometime, eventually.

I don't like this Piers Morgan cat but Handler taking shots at someone already demonized by the masses is not news. It's just piling on at the end of a fight.

They can shoot two seasons at once and then put them on the burner. Space them out 16 months instead of 10. That would mean GRRM could finish the final book just in time for the final season.

Getting better known than you, or so it seems.

HBO didn't decide anything. The show runners did. They work for HBO but they don't take any story telling orders from HBO executives. So you're just talking out of your fire breathing arse.

One of the best written GRRM related things I've ever read. And I've read plenty.

The writers deserve so much more credit than they will ever receive (SINCE PRACTICALLY NO ONE WATCHES THE SHOW) for introducing cringe-worthy things into the show that never make me cringe. I don't know how they are doing it, but it is crazy impressive.