
I don't know if its bad in the big cities but in northern virginia, i've never really had any issues with at&t. In fact i've driven all around the east coast and never had any issues including on the occasional trip to nyc. But i dont understand this thing about being expensive. Sure their unlimited plans are

I got the 280s like 5 years ago and its amazing that they are still the best. They have very low bass tho imho and sound a lot like a live performance, which is good, but not everyone might like it. I love them.

The thing that makes flying scarier than driving though is that the chances that you can escape alive out of an accident are decent with all those seat belts and airbags, but when was the last time someone escaped alive from a plane crash?

I'm with you on this. Apart from feeling weird talking "to" a phone, in many places like waiting lounges, at work etc., I'd rather be quietly typing rather than blabbering loudly into my phone. Sure its useful in the car, but that usefulness is limited by the fact that I use the gps and not my phone to find

If you use the acrobat speedup freeware utility, the adobe reader becomes just as fast as foxit.

I prefer to be called because I hate typing on any smartphone. Plus i don't have to pay extra for messaging. Plus its usually much quicker to talk than type. Message conversations hardly ever stop at just one. If i need precise info then i prefer people just email it to me. That way i can access it on any pc as well.

I once had my ears cleaned with a water spraying syringe like thing when I was a kid. Guess they didn't have ear vacuums then. Felt like someone flushed my brain.

HD radio stands for "Hybrid Digital" and not "High Definition", and makes good sense given the technology used - []

Oh noes. I do hope they release the normal touchscreen only version. I was waiting for this phone and hate sliding keyboards.

Even if you are going to get an iphone 4, it would be wise to wait since it's price is going to drop as the release date comes nearer for iphone 4S. It's available for around $150 now if i'm not mistaken. My bet is it's going to drop to $100 in the next month or two.

The copyright office FAQ states that registration is voluntary and work is copyrighted the moment it is "created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible". I interpret that as meaning if its published somewhere visible to the public like the internet, possibly with a verifiable date of publishing, you can

I was thinking the same thing. The letters under the index finger on the home row should really be the most used ones. I don't see how having a frequently used vowel (A) under the pinky would be preferable regardless of typing with both hands. And how does letter placement matter for gaming?

I'm just curious to know who that one person is in Holy City.

A lot more indians would make it to that list if politicians declared all their assets. They have a combined worth of $1.5 trillion in swiss banks.

strangely the URL is correct

I just checked out his blog and it seems Hexxeh has quit development on his builds and his last update was 3-4 weeks ago.

Very true. I love and truly appreciate my smartphone, featherweight laptop, e-book reader and all the amazing modern technologically marvelous devices.

That speed test is from 2008. That said, i don't think there is a significant speed difference in chrome and ffx4 beta, but chrome would eat ffx 3.6 for dinner in speed tests.

@Weakskills: I think he meant like if the ice is heaped on top of an already full glass, or "over" the rim, not "outside" the rim.

What i don't understand is how are they going to play tennis with a helicopter in the way?