
It’s unbelievably quaint that people in the 90s thought we were at “the end of the modern era” because the cold war was over. We relaxed for a decade, bought a lot of flannel, and then BAM.

If we want real change, it will mean shaking oppressive structures to the core.

Just wait a week.

Whoop, there it is.

Shhhh. She’s excited. I remember how I felt taking Intro To World History.

Youre paying for all that equity in taxes, maintenance, upkeep, and improvements. Its no different from sticking that money in the bank, or better yet an index fund. Me? Renting all the way. When my fridge breaks I dial a number and I have a new one the next day without spending a dollar. I dont want the hassel. But

That is assuming you make money from the sale, which is not a solid assumption. The person I bought my condo from lost about 20K on the sale.

Great post, but while I agree your point about white acceptance, its important to note that Glover started with a white core audience, who were the primary fans of Community and early Childish Gambino. Glover has gained credibility with black audiences over time, which interestingly has helped transformed from an

So, with the conviction of Bill Cosby, it looks like the MeToo movement has come to a conclusion. Because that’s what all these signatures are telling me. They don’t anticipate any real backlash to throwing their support behind Brokaw.

I know this will stay in the grays, but what the fuck ever. Jesus, people, do you seriously believe that every. single. damn. woman who accuses a man of sexual harassment or assault is telling the truth? That no one ever makes a false accusation? Is it so fucking impossible that there are occasionally — just

An opportunity to make a show depicting beautiful young women being degraded, brutalised, starved and generally treated creepily by an utter creep under the respectable veneer of “based on true events”? of course there’s going to be a TV series, was there ever any doubt?

The American police exist solely to cater to white bodies, fears, tears and paranoid hallucinations. Why would the cops make this trip out over a complaint of leisurely golfers? Where is the crime here that the police upon getting this call deemed it necessary to spend tax payer dollars investigating? Counties need to

I just don’t get how someone gets offended by someone else’s sexual and/or gender identity period.

I’m cishet, and I too don’t understand what the big deal is.

4 comments in and 2 of them are already offended and correcting her self-identification through the lens of cis-heteronormativity.

you’ll be fine. Go away for a few years and then come back and most will forget this. All these men thinking there lives are over haven’t been paying attention all of history and our society loves a comeback story.

The real problem here is that in the original Weird Science, despite the two boys creating their “dream girl,” the girl actually ends up being the one with all the power in the relationship. That dynamic, with the roles reversed would be....problematic, to say the least.

Remember folks: Never have a hero.

I appreciate you not dismissing my reply, as that was ENTIRELY expected. There are blogs online that were originally created for certain people, so we’d have a “safe place” (I know we all hate that term, but forgive my limited vocabulary here).

He’s displaying his wokeness so people will give him kudos.