
Why don’t you want poor people to be able to run for office?

Seriously? Jezebel just posted an entire article of a man bitching that a woman refused to give him more of her time than she chose, and refused to talk about certain subjects against her will? Then takes her agency away by insisting Big Bad Publicist wouldn’t let her when she clearly didn’t want to?

It took a lot of scrolling but I finally found someone saying Rich was in the right here, and you don’t appear to be sarcastic about it.

Every time I read a hot piece of garbage on this family of sites I think it’s totally going to be the bottom this time. And then another contributor says “hold my beer” and churns out a fresh turd.

Alternate title: Publicist Does Her Job, Jezebel Writer Doesn’t Understand His.

Dude your former roommate AJ is on the Shitty Media Men list. Your Pot Therapy co-host called what Roman Polanski did “banging a thirteen year old” right here on Jezebel. Maybe people should be badgering YOU on #MeToo.

Why are you here? You don’t like us and we don’t like you.

This was an interesting read. Thanks for parting the curtain on interview scheduling, I was dying to know all about that process. Making a woman uncomfortable over a man’s bad behavior isn’t the framing device I’d have gone with, I don’t think, but then I’m not a man so...

But, on the bright side, we’ve managed to make #metoo about putting women on the spot and make them uncomfortable in fun new ways. It was the natural endgame.

WOMEN DON’T HAVE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS just because you’re a gay guy (and therefore not threatening or something????) at a women’s site.

Is anyone going to ask men about #metoo or is it only potential female rape victims who get interrogated endlessly as to whether they’ve been raped? Maybe she feels she can’t afford to be truthful. What an ungrateful dumb bitch.

I don’t know, allowing people to post pictures with their guns seems like a good way to quickly weed out the people I never, ever, ever, want to go with on a date.

why don’t you tell us?

As a transwoman who wants to adopt, this makes me so incredibly happy. I’ve always wanted to be a mom (yes, despite the stupid medical condition I was born with) and being able to connect with an infant in this way is so meaningful to me. <3

Dean Winters will always be Ryan O’Reily from Oz to me.

If Tinder wants to keep The Olds off their service, all they have to do is restrict their matches to people their same age. It’s like kryptonite.

Please watch it. The scene where the double decker bus jumps the drawbridge is the best thing about that entire movie.

Ok, it can’t be just me thinking that Malia can do better...

But will Jeff Garlin really want to play this role?

He did intentionally rip it off because it was a tear-away bodice. The whole black corset part was supposed to come off, but it malfunctioned somehow, and the cup came off, exposing her breast. It wasn’t really his fault or anyone’s fault; it was quite literally a wardrobe malfunction. Shit happens in live theatre,