
“Speaking of this moment, as a culture we’ve gone from not listening, hearing or believing women, and how were we going to skip over the whole part where women get to be heard, and go straight to the redemption of the perpetrators?” Ferrera responds. “Can’t we live in that space where it’s okay for perpetrators to be

Honestly I am just so sick to fucking death of American Christian church rhetoric. Like I’m so fucking sick of megachurches and smarmy, self-righteous pastors and everyone being so FUCKING INSANE about sex and sexuality. I’m sick of this country’s Pence-yness and I’m sick of disgusting religious nonsense having any

You didn’t sin with her, douchecanoe. You sinned against her.

Rumor is (and kind of confirmed by press photos from the first episode) that Jackie and Roseanne haven’t talked in year because Jackie was a Hillary supporter and somehow got confused in the voting booth and voted for Jill Stein.

I don’t get the J-Law hate lately. It just seems disproportionate to anything she’s ever done.

Whether this movie looks interesting or not is irrelevant. Jennifer Lawrence was gonna get trashed because she’s now on the “we are annoyed at everything she does” stage in this neck of the Kinja woods.

I mean, Io9 & The Mary Sue both covered the trailers a while go (I am sure other outlets did too) when the first round of them dropped... So it didn’t come out of nowhere?

Well, I can sympathize with her. As a donor, she is absolutely entitled to give her money to folks who uphold her values. I’d be more dubious of her motives if she hadn’t withdrawn her support from Barack Obama over his inactivity on the climate crisis. This irked me, too. I hope I’m not at risk of having my

We have a few boxes from your manifesto ticked in Canada.

I’ll go one further: zero private money for campaigns (whether from donors, from the candidates themselves, from PACs, from corporations, from unions, etc...).

Yes, this is the issue, not Franken. The wealthy donors controlling the conversation on both sides of the aisle is a massive problem to me. Until the country can figure out how to run candidates for elections without spending millions upon millions of dollars this issue is not going to be addressed. Money continues to

Campaign donation limits = the solution to rich idiots having WAY too much power and influence.

It is still a very racially charged term. In Europe black soccer players and even politicians have had bananas thrown at them fairly recently. You can’t ignore that history because kids and animals = cute.

You’re not a king on a hilltop, nor a beast in a labyrinth. Isolation isn’t always best. Connection breeds empathy. Empathy allows growth.

So do 37 yr olds, just fyi

No. The problem is not that girls are normal young people who want relationships. That is normal for human beings. The problem isn’t that girls just need to work harder on their self esteem. The problem is THE BOYS. THE MEN. What our society is teaching them, as well as girls, about what boys and men are owed, what

I honestly thought he’d already resigned. Interesting that he’s being permitted to “retire”.

You can totally tell men know it too by the way they’re losing their shit.

“What I’ve actually learned is that the work of keeping your path clear is a continual process, one so all-consuming that you may not ever have the time to look up and see where you’re going”