Nice strawmen there, except I don’t think that. It’s a dishonest little trick to try and put words in my mouth.
Nice strawmen there, except I don’t think that. It’s a dishonest little trick to try and put words in my mouth.
Thank you for responding cogently and coherently. I just cannot even enter the fray as to Palestine and Israel: that human rights are even up for debate makes my blood pressure skyrocket. We are close to a half-century of occupation. A half-century of the indigenous people of that land neither controlling air nor land…
It is intellectually dishonest to put the burden of peace on Palestinians as if they are on equal footing with Israel. It’s is dishonest to pretend that a systemically impoverished, demeaned, and terrorized population will just stop responding to aggression. And it’s dishonest to equate home made rocket attacks with…
Hi, Jew here. The settlements are absolutely illegal under international law. The Fourth Geneva Convention states that “The Occupying Power shall not... transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.” It also prohibits collective punishment and reprisals, such as Israel’s practice of…
Exactly. But you can’t even have that conversation. The slightest criticism about Israel (in the USA) is almost immediately met with cries of “ANTI-SEMITE! BIGOT!” How will anything change if there is no open and honest dialogue?
I’m so glad you asked! I am a Jew. I am pro-BDS and stand in solidarity with our Palestinian kin because, as a Jew (and as a human being), I am called to fight for justice and against oppression. Speaking out against the atrocities and crimes against international law (occupation, settlements, home demolition, etc.…
Sing it with me, kids:
What does rhetoric look like that is anti-illegal-settlement without being anti-Semitic? I’m certainly not anti-Semitic, and I want to take action against Israel’s settlement policies. What does that protest look like if it doesn’t look like BDS?
Because bad-faith zionist orgs will forever bang the “they hate us” drum and the media/politicians eat it right up.
Yeah, but you see, the problem with your little joke there is that you’re basically saying, “she sounds like a alien hurr hurr hurr derrrrrp.” Is the irony lost on you, or....? Help me help you, Poodletime.
Albania, but okay.
Fun ironic fact: that is a conspicuously Muslim name. I doubt she’s a Muslim personally, but dollars to donuts she’s of Albanian Muslim heritage.
I remember her! We have the same chiropodist.
+10,000. dying.
You need to warn me before you make jokes that make it impossible for me to breathe.
It’s how she’s trying to assimilate in her neighborhood. By emulating shitty behavior.
That was my immediate thought. Even if she’s a blue-eyed blonde, a name like that means she’s a furriner and belongs on the other side of a wall, right?
Pretty sure a lot of her fellow TYumrp idiots would see the name “Emirjeta Xhelili” (Albanian perhaps? definitely not MURRCAN) and think she’s the one in the hijab