W. B. Geats

*backs up into bush with brown bagged Evan Williams*

Might want to add "Supreme Court circa 2000" as a codefendent.

Dave Weigel too, which is super unfair because who can hold this sentence against anyone? ———>

Also lost is the fact that Team Bush were themselves in the reprehensible, chickenhawk process of trying to discredit the (very real) combat service of John Kerry.

Ah, look at all that pink and purple. Our money sure is gay!

We'll always have Paris the merch table at Warped Tour.

Sounds more like a Husker Pü shirt.

Money can be exchanged for goods and services!

I had that same thought when they killed off the guy with the hair.

@Geats:disqus has medical crisis feet from @TheRadioCat:disqus, receives no aid.

The patients wait, while the doctors 'bate.

So what you're saying is, I'm indestructible.

"The show’s producers haven’t announced yet whether this year’s show will have any of the mean-spirited twists that characterized recent seasons"

Feels like shit's about to get weird.

I'm on board as long as they never mention it again.

You can tell that Joker's "the dark one" because of his "the dark one" tattoo.

It's true. Though technically he was on watch duty in West Africa.

Playmobil really went for broke with their El Dan's basement set.

- Rupert Murdoch