W. B. Geats

Super high bar you just set for a governor of one of the 50 states, James Brown. And yet that's not even true.

*in unison* "YEAH?"

By Ronan's hammer… what a savings.

Plus he stopped smoking weed recently. The world's a very harsh and confusing place for him right now.

Rage - Goddess, sing the rage of Mary's son Jesus.

Will Obama reprise his role as Satan?

“Like a therapist” is up there on the scariest-three-word-combination chart.

I don't want to punch Tucker Carlson so much as I want to strangle him with his bow tie.

*Charles Krauthammer stares ahead vacantly*

Sir, for the last time this isn't a wrestling-themed restaurant, you just keep putting our other patrons in headlocks.

Also random Vietnamese bystanders.

Shit, the one time I did an identification in a police line up at least one of them made a vulgar gesture with his tongue, index and middle finger.

Terminator Macaryl

You mean the scene where Shia LaBeouf forges an alliance with the monkeys against the Russians?

He was running over Drive-by Victim #1 at the time.

"Perhaps my death will garner a small blurb in the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine."

"What did that just hit?!"
"It looked like a pre-historic bird."

Jesus Christ, Ani. They're geodes!

The Cohen theme song reminds me of that terrifying singing lizard in Fern Gully.

That scene where he's threatening the guy on the side of the road was the first time they really deployed Vaughn's charm and Frank was scarier for it.