W. B. Geats

And, I can't stress this enough, I'm extremely high.

This doesnt look like Iraq.
Nope. These are balls. You're looking at balls.

She's a stellar interviewee, too: "I express things through characters because I have a fear that my own voice is irritating because that’s been said to me."

I think The Last of Us is one of the few games where the crafting system plays into to feel, themes and aesthetics of the overall game because you craft in real time and are incredibly vulnerable.

"ohhh, it was cool when i was raping girls and telling you how sad i was on records" etc etc

Brian Williams: coming to a CCTV near you!

In fairness, they won't let you work in the porn industry with CancerAIDS.

This is like the Donnie Darko version of Dik.

And it's glorious that this is the first "Commentariat" tagged Newswire yet the second "Porn Parody" Newswire.

"Ice to excrete you"

*Puts Inspector Frederick Abberline back in pants*

Eh, the occult stuff was one of the least interesting elements of S1 for me.

Yeah, Fargo was a totally different show with a completely different aesthetic, and I liked both. It was much sillier than True Detective and that was a good thing.

As if millions of boyfriends suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.

It’s not going to… give you that regal paleness that an esteemed member of Naboo’s royal family requires

On the noir front, I'd give Dennis Lehane, Nic Pizzolatto (Galveston), James Crumley, early Michael Connelly and George Pelecanos a shot.

As far as Get Involved Internets go I'd much rather buy a coffin than a re-evaluation of the Star Wars prequels.

The LA Times ran one of the best ledes ever on this: "If he could go back to high school, Mike Huckabee said, he would like to have 'felt like a woman' when it came time to wash up after PE class. "

Given that Huckabee's literally come out in support of a child molester and mused on watching grade school girls shower, I'd say it's about par for the course.

It's so hard to pick a favorite quote from his announcement speech: