The problem with 2142 was everyone played the hybrid soldier/medic took the light assault rifle with missile attachment and the game devolved into battlefield rocket wars.
The problem with 2142 was everyone played the hybrid soldier/medic took the light assault rifle with missile attachment and the game devolved into battlefield rocket wars.
*Mars attacks was total drek and you should feel bad about putting it on a top anything list. Unless it’s of course a list of movies to be unmade
Guy sounds like a total dick bag. Hope the bans permanent and he has to get a real job And with an attitude like that he will end up on the street giving handjobs for crack.
Play fallout before Witcher as fallout 4 is terrible by comparison. And you will quit it for more Witcher in short order.
I still doubt it will ever have a real release or if it does it will be so far from now it will look so dated no one will care ( if anyone still does).
you must live under a rock if you think all cartoons are for kids. or a terrible parent if you let your kids watch Rick and Morty or Archer as both are cartoons and both definitely not for kids
He can’t as he is Canadian.
except it’s not it’s all about who can g******* a single Target better one team or the other.
Yestotal agree about the wall. As we all need more stories with Chinese actors acting out movies based on their ancestors real life encounters with dragon frog monsters.I mean come on if a chinese company and a Chinese director Once Matt Damon in his movie and he’s cool with it why the f*** aren’t you?
The beef may never forgive them, but I’m sure the rest of the planet is eternally grateful to them. The beef needs to just go away forever
Brosnan was great in golden eye but every movie after that just became more cheesy and ridiculous by magnitudes and truly unwatchable by the end.
Your biggest problem is how rouges power stealing works. Sometimes it is permanent a la ms Marvel’s powers, other times it could be 20 seconds or 20 hours. The only real constant is usually the harm it causes to the individual which is why she normally does not do it
So what your saying is it turns pokemon into gingers?
WhatStar Trek becoming Macross was fucking awesome!
The Mentalist is good however it drags out its original plot for far too long they then finish that and it starts to get good again and it ends
4 Harley alone I won't see thisit's honestly probably the worst version of her I've ever seen
Yeah tell me about it win a match and gain miniscule progress to next rank lose a game and lose a whole rank.
actually a couple of years ago JJ made a comment how is Star Trek should be the only Star Trek and was promptly slapped down by LeVar Burton
who knows maybe we will get lucky and someone will accidentally flipped the switch early for I am setsuna like they did for song of the deep
It’s not buddy Jesus. It’s buddy Christ.