That’s THE stimulus bill under discussion. I’m not being disengenious. The GOP did not control congress when that was passed. The discussion here is about THAT stimulus bill, and whether it fell short of the goal.
That’s THE stimulus bill under discussion. I’m not being disengenious. The GOP did not control congress when that was passed. The discussion here is about THAT stimulus bill, and whether it fell short of the goal.
ARRA was passed in 2009. There’s no way for you to salvage the factual error you just made. Just admit it and move on.
I’m going to guess the guys who worked or the Obama administration probably aren’t the most objective analysts of the work done by the Obama administration.
Your final paragraph nailed it. And there absolutely were people at the time, as the article points out, who were saying the stimulus we got wouldn’t be enough. Obama’s efforts to govern like a “normal” president against an opposition party that absolutely refused to treat anything as “normal” for as long as he did…
This is problematic logic. If anything, the Obama administration alums have too much of a personal conflict to dispassionately analyze their record. They were too close to it, emotionally involved and attached. I know this is just another one of the vapid anti-Splinter comments that are inundating the site lately, but…
There’s an abundance of literature available on China’s economy and how the government makes it look much stronger than it is. I’d suggest instead of parroting such oversimplistic tripe you educate yourself.
Yeah, I’m looking at the polling data, and that’s not true. His numbers have taken a dive recently, but it’s only within 2019 that he’s been below Trump.
No, I’m fairly certain you’re a troll given the sum total of your behavior. As for why I replied, well, I loathe seeing people get misinformed because they accidentally stumble across a worthless charlatan like you and mistake your ego for expertise.
What an incredulous amount of bullshit.
He nominated Bolton in the first place. He tore up the Iran Deal. He sides with whomever speaks with him last on issues where he doesn’t have a vested business interest from which to profit. I’m not giving Trump credit for anything but the endless awfulness, evil, and corruption he has sown, this issue included. He…
Uh... His office is the one that ramped up aggression with Iran to begin with by dropping out of the agreement and throwing a pile of sanctions at the country after the UN found that Iran wasn’t in any violation of any agreement they have as a nation.
Yeah, that’s where Yang lost me. I don’t see how you can view this guy’s comments as anything but malignant. Honestly, if you manage to hit the trifecta of blatant racism, anti-Semitism and homophobia in the space of one podcast episode, that is clearly not a slip, not a one-off, and I feel completely okay taking that…
Ok now I know you’re just trolling. This is the second time I’ve seen you say that something isn’t Literally Vietnam and therefore you support it. Not your generation’s war to fight, so you don’t care right?
This ones not bad though. There are people out there who genuinely think like this.
I bet you say things like “not all men” and “not all white people” - or think them - a lot.
The Lib Dems alone did not have the power to make Corbyn PM - Labour needs every opposition party plus the rebel conservative MPs to form a government, which Jo Swinson rightly said would not realistically happen. The anti-no deal conservatives are the ones who pulled the plug on Corbyn’s unity government idea. From…
It was nice of Corbyn after spending the great bulk of his career being at best Brexit curious and at worst pro-Brexit to flip and move against Brexit in the final moments
Please note this explicit evidence that he/she did not read the article, which contains far more than that and which explicitly supports my point about Corbyn and his pro-Brexit bullshit.
Also, I don’t think anyone who thinks Corbyn is anti-Brexit has any damn business claiming I don’t know what I’m talking about. Labour has pissed away so many chances to take the anti-Brexit position under him.