
There are mountains of evidence that Israel is not judicious at all when it comes to their permitting regime, and COGAT and the Israeli government have a long history of interfering with Palestinian sport including soccer. There’s absolutely no reason to take the position you’re taking, which assumes good faith from a

This is not an accurate summary of international law and represents the view of regressive nationalists in Israel. This poster consistently and willfully spreads misinformation favorable to the Israeli far-right and the illegal settlement enterprise on every article touching this topic.

Giuliani has been screaming he did everything with State Department sanction, which according to experts and former State officials could be illegal and would definitely violate State policies. According to most reports I’ve seen Pompeo has been very unhappy with Giuliani’s word vomit. Whether that’s because he is

There’s multiple variables, certainly, and honestly I don’t remember what was happening at that time enough to discuss what may have influenced the polling.

Hey, I apologize. We share the same anti-racist position, but the wording of your first tweet really did hit a sore spot in my history based on abuse and smears I personally and groups I was associated with faced, despite being heavily anti-racist. I reacted to harshly when there’s really no reason to assume you meant

Even setting aside the Wiccanate neo-pagans, there’s always been strident opposition to the racist stuff in hard polytheist circles, include the heathen circles I was familiar with. Not sure if it’s still active, but there was a CR umbrella anti-racist group, CAORANN. They had ties to Gaol Naofa back when I was

I wouldn’t say vastly. A lot of people don’t pay attention to the news, and many who do mostly absorb headlines. Pretty much anyone commenting here is likely in the top 10-5% for attentiveness to politics. Most people are more likely to respond to partisan signals than to news events, after all they may only hear

I’m pretty sure flying a “Trump 2020" flag would still violate the rules. The Iron Front logo isn’t a current political party, so calling it political was always a stretch. If MLS banned the promotion of current political parties at matches I think most people would be fine with it. The problem was banning a symbol

There is actual empirical evidence that people will follow partisan preferences and it’s certainly plausible some if not all of the increase is partisan solidification.

I looked into all the cross tabs on their last poll, and thought that much of the opposition was soft, and this seems to vindicate that. There’s still room for growth here, especially with “Independents”. The last poll was taken before the new scandal had a chance to reflect in the numbers. It’s likely the media

Why are both of them not in jail? 

There are groups that claim that, yes. Most of them are largely online, Facebook is lousy with small neo-pagan groups that promote that sort of racial identity. Most of them get blacklisted once it’s clear they promote racial heritage ideas. I’m no longer active on social media with polytheist groups, I deleted

Which inclusive groups? You’re making a very broad charge based on, in your own words, limited experience and knowledge. Why not just name the groups and the problem instead of such a broad claim that has been used to abuse pagans and polytheists for years?

To add to this, the last portion implies clearly that many groups are flirting with white nationalism when that’s far from the reality. Prior to Trump, prior to the rise in “white nationalism”, people were opposing these groups actively. They absolutely exist, and they claim to be pagan. Having studied a number of

...this is dangerously close to an abusive smear regularly leveled against modern pagans. Using the small (and theologically mostly Christianate) white supremacist groups to stain the entire community is not just dishonest, it’s a common tactic of bigots. If you are actually active in the community, you’d know just

It’s really awful and I’d still apply if I thought I had a chance in hell of getting it. Our economy is structured to make even bad offers tempting because so many people are underemployed. 

No worries, happens to everyone.

That’s not pantheism, that’s just chauvinism, which fit the Roman mindset quite well. Most of the time you see that happen is in Roman writings about foreign lands for a Roman audience. They also did accept foreign deities, the cult of Isis became popular with Romans and you also saw religions like Mithraism become

I still cringe when I call myself a pagan but “Gaelic Polytheist” doesn’t mean anything to most people. 

Pantheism doesn’t predate the 1600s. It’s a modern philosophical position. There are some historical faiths that you can describe with the term, some versions of Hinduism for example, but the Greeks and Norse were explicitly not pantheists. They were hard polytheists. There’s been a conscious effort by modern soft