
On a more serious note, things are happening in Egypt. Protests against al-Sisi and his regime. Not huge protests, but any protest at all given how abusive and repressive his regime has been is big news. al-Sisi has been worse than Mubarak was for most of his rule. There’s a real chance if the public anger is that

Why are all the usual racist idiots out of the greys? What did I miss? Is it “let the troll have a moment of attention” day? 

Fear and disgust tend to correlate strongly. The “gross and wrong” part comes from some bit of psychology, I’m just saying my theory is internal insecurity about their identity being more malleable than they think is a plausible root of that reaction. There’s other parts too, you can’t separate out misogyny or

It’d be attacked as “abandoning centrist policies” by the banks, their lobbyists, and their huge stable of bad faith political allies, including many Democrats. Whether that’s true or not is irrelevant, that sort of quasi-red baiting has a long history in US politics and it’s been effective enough to make it a

I don’t really see it as leeway. It’s cowardice. It’s just part of trying to understand their bigotry from their own point of view, because obviously it’s useful to have some ideas on that front so you can confront it. It doesn’t absolve them in the least. 

They loathe academia and want to damage it. This, combined with the bullshit from the DoE trying to force college programs to make their curriculum fit the Trump administration’s biases, just shows how gleeful they are to assault the system.

His biggest problem, right now, is that while he’s a charismatic politician with a strong record, he’s also not the best at getting people to believe he can handle the gritty policy side as well as the giving speeches side. That’s where Warren is flanking him. She’s much better at describing policy in terms people can

The rabidly anti-Iran crowd have every incentive to continue ignoring just how awful the Saudi regime is because the Saudis, by and large, share their ideological fetish for attacking Iran. These people define their ideological positions not with looks at US interests, but with shallow biases and prejudices. Since the

Brady is a hypocrite, but that reffing was atrocious. It hurt the Titans alot, though as a Titans fan I’m fully aware we were trash and deserved to lose. 

There’s no way you haven’t, it’s been everywhere. The bullshit from Jacobin alone has been widely mocked, and you can see the abuse in responses to anyone to talked about it. 

Yes, there are experts who look at botnets and disinformation. You can follow them on Twitter like I do.

I haven’t seen much specific talk of that on social media. Though admittedly after all the bullshit in this thread and watching all my sports team descend into incompetence I’ve taken a break from looking into some of it on Twitter. 

No, it’s not. Most of it is legitimate. This is something that drives experts on the topic insane. Dudebra linked it to Russia! It’s absurd. The vast majority of assholes on social media are just assholes. Inauthentic accounts do exist, but most of them jump on pre-existing trends. I’ve not seen any evidence that any

You are a perfect example of every bit of smarmy intellectual dishonesty that these group of loud, bigoted Sanders supporters represent.

I’ve not seen any evidence. The assumption that Sanders would do better in the online vote probably has some merit. But that he’d run away with it? Doubtful. 

I think some cisgender people are legitimately terrified by the idea that their gender is not some fixed eternal thing, and that their physical characteristics can significantly change from hormones. The way to counter the fear is to constantly reject the idea that trans people can actually change their bodies to fit

Go figure, the asshole dismissed this. Don’t let the evidence get in the way of your persecution complex I guess. 

Precisely the heap of abusive bullshit in this thread is why they’re not putting a target on the backs of their members. There’s dozens of you people here screaming about them despite the fact you clearly haven’t listened to a damn thing they’ve said so far.

Completely wrong name and I did it twice. I can’t even explain that. I guess this fever finally caught up to me cause that’s a weird error for me. 

I don’t think it’s fair to suggest he’s not. They put stuff out there quickly and unambiguously. Simone’s tweet is strong. Doing a speech on the issue would provide too much attention and give too much power to the abusive trolls. It wouldn’t make any real substantive difference either, the kind of people who enjoy