
Honestly, I don’t know. It’s not a recognized slur for sure, but there’s very much a sense of “targeting your ethnicity” behind it. It’s definitely not equivalent to serious slurs, Cuomo is being way too dramatic, but at the same time I think the intent was more or less to use it as a slur.

A “war on terror” framework is just as likely to fuel radicalization as to diminish it. The evidence that much of the system works on Islamists is definitely mixed. The government creating “terrorists” to thwart using undercover agents who provide so much support to some radicalized and angry kid, helping them get

I feel like Trump’s idea of nature is a golf course, a place that’s ecologically next to useless and heavily controlled. If he’s ever been in true wild land it was probably decades ago.

Sounds like a really dumb and cliched movie. How many times has the “rich people hunt other people” thing been done?

It’s not wildly different from Islamists. In their form the west is colonizing the region and trying to force changes to Islam, as well as killing their people (the last one of course, being more true than most of us would like).

A certain part of the radicalization process is the dehumanization and justification of violence against the targeted group. In his mind, these people are a threat to him, already harming him and other whites, and thus legitimate targets. It’s not mental illness, but “crazy” in the vernacular isn’t too far off. 

Sorry, I don’t mean to take this out on you. But this abusive troll has triggered something pretty serious in me. No doubt that’s what gets him off, that’s usually the case for his kind. 

Two dozen, probably, but this is far far beyond trolling. My family was threatened. This shouldn’t be okay. This shouldn’t be ignored. I can’t find any contact for someone over something like this, so I guess the fucking Nazi-lover and his abuse wins.

Yeah, I’m not buying “just dorks”. This here, this was textbook abuser behavior. The kind of stuff you do when you get pleasure from harming others.

How does such a nakedly abusive troll get so many followers. That’s failure of moderation right there.

This is a legitimately weird hill for Biden to die on, and really only furthers my assessment that his political instincts are 20+ years out of date. The Obama legacy and rose-colored-glasses effect isn’t enough to cover up his frequent missteps.

Why are you trolling in support of neo-Nazis, other than your own sick pleasure?

Somehow, “abusive cunt” was underselling how awful you are. Language strong enough to get me some tsk-tsking even on here, and yet you’re worse.

Please, keep hanging yourself with your own words. It’s assisting me immensely. I doubt I can get an abusive sack of shit like you banned just because there’s hardly any moderation around here, but damned if I won’t try. You’ve clearly shown your true colors here.

I do love how some random abusive asshole on the internet intends to tell me about my life. What other facts have you randomly deduced through divination? Go ahead, tell me.

Precisely the response of someone that revels in abusing others. I’m flagging your comments, and I intend to contact someone at the site about you. Doesn’t seem like you ever add much worthwhile, and if you’re willing to treat me like this I doubt I’m the only one. Sick filth you never can control your urges. 

You wouldn’t happen to be a former Disqus user would you? I’m starting to get some interesting flashbacks about someone who used to defend the neo-Nazis from The Right Stuff as they abused people, myself and others, because he was a sick and vile individual and it amused him. 

Would anyone like to tell me why this abusive piece of shit has so many followers, including people I know are neither conservative nor abusive pieces of shit? I’m truly stumped. This sort of stuff is sickening.

So me being doxxed by neo-Nazis is irrelevant to a discussion on the very same neo-Nazis who doxxed me? This guy was a significant contributor to the very same site that doxxed and harassed me.

FYI, I’ve dismissed “Publius in Extremis” for another boring conservative screed against the site which he combined with his clearly poor knowledge about India, Pakistan, and Kashmir. Leave that stuff in the greys. “Splinter isn’t journalism” takes from bad faith conservatives, even one who occasionally makes