This is so desperate I feel bad for him, despite the fact he really doesn’t deserve sympathy. I don’t think actions like this that reek of desperation are generally politically smart, as you’ll lose more interest than you’ll gain.
This is so desperate I feel bad for him, despite the fact he really doesn’t deserve sympathy. I don’t think actions like this that reek of desperation are generally politically smart, as you’ll lose more interest than you’ll gain.
Just go start a far-right Youtube channel like the rest of the “I’m not a racist I just want to stop non-white immigration” charlatans.
It sounds like a few people are making the logical argument that he increased his name ID, even if he was dunked on, which is probably accurate. I don’t really see that as support for him or even thinking he’s a viable candidate, but getting some spotlight will push him above the rest of “just drop out already” pack.
The nukes one is particularly stupid. There’s already a de facto norm, any other country is going to make the rational assumption that the barrier for a nuclear strike is extremely high. Taking it off the table preemptively is just formalizing the current status quo.
Historian here;
I mean, a not insignificant percentage of Republican voters use snap. There’s definitely an ideological “you’re a leech” thing there, but it’s not just that mostly Democrats use the program. In rural areas, conservative areas, it’s still important.
Probably, but while I think that realistically covers 30-40% of Republicans I do wonder how the elites justify it. They’re self-conscious about their image.
There’s no valid policy justification for this. SNAP, and especially child-meal programs, pay out in the long-term a lot more than they cost. Workers can’t be productive without eating. Children who miss meals during their formative years tend to have lower success (based on how most studies define success, which is…
“I’m just asking questions” is probably one of the biggest far-right troll tactics there is. You’re not helping your case here.
It’s a front for some far-right millionaire or billionaire to push their ideological fetishes. The site is a joke even to a lot (though hardly all) conservatives. I’m not shocked they’re so secretive about it given the drivel they publish it’s likely someone with just enough controversy in their past it’d hurt them if…
There are cases where there are legitimately no obvious signs, where there was no warning you could rationally expect people to see. Not all cases are like that, but they do exist. Far-right, Islamist, or something else, I’ve seen multiple cases.
Most radicalization happens later than that. I’m not sure a focus on children will have the requisite benefits, outside of cases like ISIS literally indoctrinating children.
You are, quite literally, echoing the bad faith responses of far-right trolls on Twitter verbatim. If that’s not trolling, I don’t know what is.
None of these outside groups have a chance in hell of standing up to Trump. He’s turned most of the base and half the politicians into a personality cult. This will just put you on Trump’s radar to be destroyed in the future.
Honestly, I suspect we don’t. Some far-right de-radicalization programs would be useful. A lot of people won’t commit violence and can be brought out, it’s the same with Islamists. There’s far more people who will justify violence ideologically but who don’t personally commit it, but they’re at risk for taking the…
Absolutely. The category is absolute bullshit. If it wasn’t for the way the concept of white was so thoroughly entrenched I’d personally love to toss it off. I’m ethnically Irish and my nationality is American. White is just my skin color (and unlike most I’m pale enough for that to actually be accurate).
I think kids prone to radicalization might actually go the wrong way with classes like that. It’ll fuel the false-persecution complex common in far-right ideology. “Useless leftists are trying to brainwash us I’m the only one who sees through them”. You get a lot of that already, without anything to really justify it…
You really want to troll after a mass-shooting? Have some basic decency.
I always get a chuckle since the word “Aryan” many of them value so much comes from the Indo-Aryan branch, and the root of “Iran” comes from an evolution of that word. Much of the populace of Iran has Indo-European roots, though of course their racial categories rarely comport with history or evidence.
There’s not been any large-scale anti-radicalization program that’s really worked. There’s some out there claiming they’ve been effective against Islamic extremists, but most of them vastly overstate their success to earn money/influence. Getting to people before they radicalize is difficult because the lower levels…