FYI, to the many other trolls no doubt starring this troll, I’m going to dismiss responses repeating long discredited lies like that AOC “cost NY Amazon jobs”.
FYI, to the many other trolls no doubt starring this troll, I’m going to dismiss responses repeating long discredited lies like that AOC “cost NY Amazon jobs”.
Want to go ahead and back up your claims? How is it “99% accurate”. Be specific.
The Hill is a gossip rag with a solid-right bias. Their op-ed page is a litany of right-wing grifters and charlatans they give space to. They occasionally run liberal ones too, but they don’t promote those nearly as much as the dishonest and bombastic conservative ones. It is an incredibly trashy site that…
That’s the point of elite-driven opinion shift. Yes, most things can be rationalized away, and it’s not just conservatives the vast majority of barely-political Americans operate under that premise. The smaller class that’s politically engaged do it as well, though it gets muddier there (sometimes they follow elite…
I’d disagree there. There is an ideology, centered around a cluster of beliefs. It’s just that ideology has always been secondary to identity. That most people don’t really adhere to the ideology coherently doesn’t mean it’s not there.
Biden is one of the worst. He’s a prisoner to the instincts he developed in an era that was wildly different and seems incapable of updating himself.
The tests are a bit dubious. Best to interpret them in a broad fashion too. Some places have much better samples than others (mostly Europe). A friend of mine did one and got results that were highly implausible given her family came from southern Morocco, she had me go over it and I tried to think of a way to…
She really can’t win. Swearing in becomes another thing to be mocked in bad faith by the people who are desperate to do literally everything except engage her points.
I forgot this blog is a haven for shitheads who read the Grayzone Project and think they know a lot about the world. Bloody pathetic.
Case in point of the sort of abusive anti-logic you pretty regularly see from people who use that label for themselves. The same shitstains that keep supporting Assad in Syria because in their conspiracy addled brain everything the US does is bad because they saw a youtube video claiming to explain “imperialism” that…
Listen, I get noting the hypocrisy is fun, but there’s literally no reason to punish people who work at a strip club for Trump’s bullshit. There’s nothing wrong with strippers making extra money in some event as long as they consent to be there. I’ve got no issue with some young women making money off of old perverts…
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, ironically, probably committed immigration fraud. There is a credible claim she lied to get asylum in the Netherlands, where she promptly turned to far-right politics. Her rabid anti-Islam politics since, which mostly rely on far-right anti-Muslim groups and racist narratives, only make her…
-Knoxville high-five-
Franklyn? Not Franklin? Could be wrong, but the latter is near Nashville. Dunno about the former. Just wanted to say something in case that’s a possible error.
I really don’t like it. I see the logic they’re using, but FIFA rankings are just too much bullshit. I want the “middle class” of the federation to have a shot. I’d rather the US is forced to play against weaker teams and earn their way into the Hex.
It’s truly strange how the many well-founded criticisms of the DHS mostly just disappeared from public consciousness. It’s a massive and overbearing agency with a history bad behavior and abusing powers that cobbled together a bunch of disparate powers and departments into a bloated monster that has never worked very…
“Distraction Becky” has a real ring to it.
That was a Trump-appointed political apparatchik at the top who put that out. Given past experience, most of the staff at the museum probably not only agreed with the term but were ready to issue explainers on the origin. The US Holocaust Museum has a very good record on opposing human rights abuses.
I saw a survivor of Hiroshima speak not too long ago. She came to a small regional Asia-focused academic conference. It was intense. There’s really no substitution for someone who lived through something like that. When you’re in the room, when you see her pause as she tells a story she’s told a thousand times,…
Thought of this immediately.