
Cafeteria trays, rear wheels.

I always thought the Audis from that era looked like the Chinese knockoffs of the BMWs. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, just not as good.

The Carrera GT is "just okay"?

All these kart videos, blended with all the Capeta I've been watching...I need to go karting.

Sweet, my favorite Flickr user getting some Jalopnik rep.

This is a popular question. You never know where this journey we call life will take you, all you can do is do your best and enjoy it. If F1 is in my future, I am going to take it

Ahaha moi aussi je suis en France et j'adorerais descendre dans le sud de la France avec ça sur l'autoroute.


Actually I like the livery but those headlamps.....they just ruin the whole thing imo.

I live hooning as much as the nect guy, drifting as an end to itself not so much. A drift can (and often must) be an intergal part of a well-executed turn. But the screaming constant-speed tire shredding does nothing for me.

Basically. Not that I'm in the market for it anyways, but unless this is a mid-life update for the 12C, I don't get the point of it.

During practice, try and do a full green flag / fuel run, give you a feel for the number of laps you have got.

Oh, I've always hung way back, and I mean way back. It takes enough laps to get lapped in a two or three car draft, or by yourself, for that matter, that is seems like there is always another caution.

Is is awfully rattly inside, or am I hearing things?

Personally, this is the McLaren I love the most. But then again I'm finnish.

I've done a quick sketch of what I think the production version would look like.

Gotta catch 'em all.